Governor Brown releases plan to reopen the state's economy

(MAY 8, 2020) Governor Kate Brown announced yesterday details of a plan for reopening some businesses and services in Oregon.

“Today, thanks to millions of Oregonians following the strict physical distancing orders I put in place, I am happy to say these sacrifices have prevented as many as 70,000 COVID-19 infections, and 1,500 hospitalizations in Oregon,” said Governor Brown. “We are on track in meeting the goals that doctors and public health experts have laid out for us. And that means we now have the opportunity to begin rebuilding a safe and strong Oregon.”

Her office said there were fewer than 100 people in the hospital for COVID-19 in Oregon. She warned citizens, however, that reopening parts of the economy will lead to an increase in new coronavirus cases.

Governor Brown has already allowed nonurgent medical procedures since May 1. On May 5, she announced the reopening of some outdoor parks and recreation areas. Soon, she will announce plans for public transportation and summer youth programs. She continues to encourage face masks, social distancing, and good hygiene.

Meanwhile, some counties may seek permission to allow limited reopening of some businesses (restaurants, bars, barbers, salons, etc.) as early as May 15. However, those counties must first do several things.

• They must show a decline in COVID-19 or have fewer than 5 hospitalizations.

• They must have enough COVID-19 testing and contact tracing ability.

• They must have plans for the quarantine of new cases.

• They must have enough hospital beds for any sudden increase in COVID-19 cases.

• They must have enough masks and equipment for health care workers.

If counties see large increases in COVID-19 cases, they may need to move back to "stay at home" status.

This is Phase I of the reopening of Oregon's economy. The governor's office will publish more details on Phases II and III soon.

“Oregon.Gov: NewsDetail.” Www.Oregon.Gov, 7 May 2020, Accessed 8 May 2020.
Oregonian/OregonLive, The. “Coronavirus in Oregon (May 8): Governor Releases Reopening Plans.” Oregonlive, 8 May 2020, Accessed 8 May 2020.
"ESOL News Oregon by Timothy Krause is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. except where noted.