Many pets receive new homes during pandemic

(APRIL 17, 2020) The coronavirus and COVID-19 have caused many people to stay at home. This has led to many people thinking about adopting a pet for companionship. The Oregon Humane Society has seen a large increase in interest from the community.

“If you think about it, it’s really the perfect time. People are home; they can establish a relationship,” said Sharon Harmon. She is the organization's leader. She told Oregon Public Broadcasting, “In times like these, animals bring us something that you just can’t get off the shelf … things that we all need: that unconditional love, that simple joy, just a smile and a warm hug.”

Oregon Humane Society (OHS) is an animal shelter. It helps connect people with small animals as pets, such as cats, dogs and rabbits. Sometimes it even has horses available for adoption.

Normally, visitors can go to OHS in North Portland. They can visit with many different pets to find a good match. However, because of the coronavirus, visits are now only by appointment. People look at the pets on the website. Then they complete an application. Later, someone from OHS calls them to set up a visit with the pet.

However, this may be the "calm before the storm." Harmon says some people might need to give up their pets if the people become ill or lose their jobs or homes because of the virus. In that case, OHS will help to find the pet a new home.

OHS also helps to spay or neuter animals. That is surgery so that the animal cannot have babies. Without this service, there may be many unwanted pets this spring. That means the shelter will be full again with pets looking for homes.

Some people wonder about getting the virus from their pets. However, the federal Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says there is no evidence that cats and dogs can give the virus to humans. Similarly, there have been no reports of owners giving the virus to their pets.

To visit the animals available for adoption, go to

Chavez, Jenn. “How Are People Dealing With COVID-19 Stress? Likely With A New Pet.” Www.Opb.Org, 11 Apr. 2020, Accessed 17 Apr. 2020.
Image by Anne Jacko, Flickr.

"ESOL News Oregon by Timothy Krause is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. except where noted.