Tillamook County computers were attacked by ransomware

(FEBRUARY 1, 2020) According to Cambridge Learners Dictionary, ransomware is "software designed by criminals to prevent computer users from getting access to their own computer system or files unless they pay money."

Last week, criminals used ransomware to attack the computers of Tillamook County. Some of the problem has been fixed, but not all of the computers are working yet. This situation has been causing many problems in the county offices and even libraries.

The county sheriff, Gordon McCraw, says the ransomware locked important computer systems and data. The county is working with an insurance company to determine a response. Earlier this week, county leaders voted to authorize negotiation with the criminals for a digital key to unlock the computers.

“I think the lesson is to backup absolutely everything because I think this kind of thing will become more common. There are places in the world where people are just doing this for a living," says Mary Faith Bell, a county commissioner.

Ransomware is a large problem in the U.S. According to the Associated Press, 113 government agencies, 764 healthcare providers, and 89 educational institutions were attacked by ransomware last year.

Cambridge Dictionary. “RANSOMWARE | Definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary.” Cambridge.Org, 29 Jan. 2020, dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/ransomware. Accessed 30 Jan. 2020.
Mann, Cody. “Cyberattack: County to Negotiate for Ransomware Key.” Tillamook Headlight-Herald, 28 Jan. 2020, www.tillamookheadlightherald.com/news_paid/cyberattack-county-to-negotiate-for-ransomware-key/article_d31f0e00-4168-11ea-a179-cf3d1ff50ef6.html. Accessed 30 Jan. 2020.
Selsky, Andrew. “County Computers Still down 1 Week after Ransomware Attack.” AP NEWS, Associated Press, 29 Jan. 2020, apnews.com/e9b16e720599a28b9a548f11f1ac7dba. Accessed 30 Jan. 2020.

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