A "sneaker wave" causes tragedy on the Oregon Coast

(JANUARY 18, 2020) Sometimes the Oregon coast is a dangerous place. Large waves and high tides can surprise visitors on the beach. Last week, one child died and another is still missing after a wave pulled them into the ocean.

Jeremy Stiles of Portland was with his 7-year-old daughter and 4-year-old son on the beach near Arch Cape, Oregon. They were hit by a "sneaker wave." A "sneaker wave" is a very large wave of water that appears unexpectedly.

A neighbor called police. The police pulled the man and his daughter out of the water. They did not find the son. They took the man and his daughter to the hospital. The man is recovering from hypothermia (being too cold). The daughter died.

The U.S. Coast Guard helped police search for the missing boy. He has not yet been found.

Silverman, Hollie. “One Child Dead, One Missing after Being Swept out to Sea.” CNN, 12 Jan. 2020, www.cnn.com/2020/01/12/us/oregon-coast-children-drowning-jeremy-stiles-cannon-beach/index.html. Accessed 18 Jan. 2020.
The Oregonian/OregonLive, Jayati Ramakrishnan. “Mom of Portland Children Swept out to Sea Thanks Community for ‘Providing Light to My Dark Days.’” Oregonlive, 16 Jan. 2020, www.oregonlive.com/news/2020/01/mom-of-portland-children-swept-out-to-sea-thanks-community-for-providing-light-to-my-dark-days.html. Accessed 18 Jan. 2020.
Image: EncMstr [CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)]

"ESOL News Oregon by Timothy Krause is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. except where noted.