9-1-1 phone tax increases 25 cents January 1

(DECEMBER 13, 2019) The cost of phone service in Oregon will increase in the new year. Oregon telephone customers will pay 25 cents more per month ($3 per year per line). The extra money will help to pay for 9-1-1 emergency phone service.

The fee applies to cell phones, landline phones, VOIP (voice over internet protocol) phones, and prepaid phone minutes. Some services are not affected. These include phone accessories, ringtones, and long-distance phone cards.

"The tax is collected each month from the Oregon customers of the companies that provide the phone service, or is collected by retailers from their customers," says an Oregon state government website. The money covers about 24% of the cost of the 911 call centers in Oregon. The remaining costs are paid through local property taxes.

This is the first increase in the 911 fee since 1995.

News Radio 1190 KEX, Oregon’s 911 Phone Tax To Increase. “Oregon’s 911 Phone Tax To Increase | News Radio 1190 KEX.” News Radio 1190 KEX, News Radio 1190 KEX, 12 Dec. 2019, 1190kex.iheart.com/content/2019-12-11-oregons-911-phone-tax-to-increase/. Accessed 13 Dec. 2019.
“Oregon Office of Emergency Management : Emergency Communications Tax : State 9-1-1 Program : State of Oregon.” Oregon.Gov, Emergency Communications Tax : Oregon Office of Emergency Management, www.oregon.gov/oem/911/Pages/911-Tax-Distribution.aspx. Accessed 13 Dec. 2019.
Rogoway, Mike. “Oregon Will Raise 911 Phone Fee by 25 Cents a Month.” Oregonlive, 12 Dec. 2019, www.oregonlive.com/silicon-forest/2019/12/oregon-will-raise-911-phone-fee-by-25-cents-a-month.html. Accessed 13 Dec. 2019.

"ESOL News Oregon by Timothy Krause is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. except where noted.