Oregon's population is growing more slowly

(NOVEMBER 15, 2019) Portland State University studies population. Population is the number of people who live in a specific area. The university shared a new report about the population of Oregon. The population of Oregon is 4,236,400.

The population of Oregon is still growing. However, it is growing more slowly than before. The population increased about 1% from July 2018 to July 2019.

The report says that population growth comes in two ways:

      1. natural increase: the number of births minus the number of deaths
      2. migration: people moving in minus people moving out

About 86% of the population growth is from migration. In other words, as the Portland Mercury reports, "35,000 more people moved to Oregon than away from Oregon between July 2019 and 2019."

Still, the numbers are lower than in previous years. PSU says this is because of fewer jobs than in the past.

“Portland State College of Urban & Public Affairs: Population Research Center | Population Estimates and Reports.” Pdx.Edu, 2010, www.pdx.edu/prc/population-reports-estimates. Accessed 16 Nov. 2019.
Stenvick, Blair. “Oregon’s Population Growth Continues to Slow, PSU Research Finds.” Portland Mercury, 15 Nov. 2019, www.portlandmercury.com/blogtown/2019/11/15/27485279/oregons-population-growth-continues-to-slow-psu-research-finds. Accessed 15 Nov. 2019.

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