Oregon students did not test well in reading and math

(NOVEMBER 1, 2019) Oregon students participate in national tests. The federal government measures reading and math skills. Scores for Oregon students this year were not very positive. They showed little improvement.

The table below shows a summary. The middle column compares data from 2019 and data from 2017. The last column compares data from Oregon with the national average. (According to Cambridge Learners Dictionary, "an average amount is calculated by adding some amounts together and then dividing by the number of amounts.")

The national averages are not good either. The fourth grade students stayed about the same. The eighth grade students fell in both subjects.

test scores
Hammond, Betsy. “Oregon Students Perform below National Averages in Reading, Math, New Scores Show.” Oregonlive, 30 Oct. 2019, www.oregonlive.com/education/2019/10/oregon-students-perform-below-national-averages-in-reading-math-new-scores-show.html. Accessed 1 Nov. 2019.

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