Oregon State Fair is fun for the family

(AUGUST 23, 2019) The Oregon State Fair is August 23 September 2. The fair is in Salem. It is 154 years old.

There are many things to see. There are displays about Oregon agriculture and industry. "Agriculture" is farming and animals. "Industry" means work like making making lumber.

There are many things to do. There are many concerts and contests. There is a carnival with many fun rides. And there are many things to eat.

Learn more: oregonstatefair.org

54th Oregon State Fair Invites Fans to Find Their Fun with New Attractions Honors Oregon Industry Roots and Competitive Traditions. 2019. https://osfcdn.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/14085547/OSF_Overall-2019-Release_FINAL.pdf

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