Portland shares data about e-scooters

(AUGUST 16, 2019) E-scooters (electric scooters) returned to Portland last April. People can use their smartphones to rent the scooters for short trips around town. The city collects data about the scooters, and it recently shared this information:

    • 3 companies may rent scooters in Portland.
    • The 3 companies may rent up to 2,630 scooters in the city. Eventually, the city may have has many as 9,000.

Over a period of 10 weeks:

    • The scooters traveled 307,457 miles.
    • There were 46 visits to the emergency room because of scooters.
    • Scooters collided (hit) cars or pedestrians (people) 16 times.
    • The city received 903 complaints. Some people complained about parking. Others complained about "poor riding behavior".
    • The city gave 116 tickets for riding illegally on sidewalks. The tickets cost riders $5,800.
    • The city gave 191 tickets for parking illegally. The tickets cost riders $3,120.
Theen, Andrew. “Portland Will Soon Have More E-Scooters than Ever Before.” Oregonlive.Com, oregonlive.com, 16 Aug. 2019, www.oregonlive.com/commuting/2019/08/portland-will-soon-have-more-e-scooters-than-ever-before.html. Accessed 16 Aug. 2019.
Photo by Sarah Petersen / Portland Bureau of Transportation

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