Oregon uses big rocks to stop illegal camping in Portland

(JUNE 21, 2019) Portland has many people who are homeless. Some of them camp in open areas in the city. They often camp near busy highways, which is illegal. It can also be dangerous. Nearby residents say the campers have caused many problems, including garbage, drugs, stealing, and fires.

In one neighborhood, residents planted rose bushes. They thought the plants would stop homeless people from camping there. However, it did not work. Campers returned and tore them up.

Now the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) has a new plan. ODOT filled the area with boulders. Boulders are large rocks. They make camping difficult. But the boulders are also very expensive. The state has spent about $1 million since 2013 putting boulders in at least six places around Portland. ODOT says it is cheaper than continually cleaning up the camps, and it promotes safety for all.

"Boulders are our most effective method for keeping illegal campers out of areas marked no trespassing," said Don Hamilton. He works for ODOT. "No trespassing" means "do not enter." He told Willamette Week newspaper: "These areas ... are dangerous. Illegal campers have been struck and, in a few cases, killed while trying to cross an interstate highway. And in about 2010, a car spun off the road and killed a sleeping camper along I-405."

Some neighbors are happy about the change. Others think it does not do enough to solve the problem of homelessness.

"ODOT is not a social services agency," said Hamilton. He told the Portland Tribune newspaper: "We are not a police agency. We are a property owner in this world of illegal campers."

‌Monahan, Rachel. “Oregon Officials Deter Portland Homeless Campers With a Million Dollars’ Worth of Boulders.” Willamette Week, 2018, www.wweek.com/news/city/2019/06/19/oregon-officials-deter-portland-homeless-campers-with-a-million-dollars-worth-of-boulders/.
News, KGW. “Oregon Department of Transportation Replaces Rose Bushes with Boulders to Deter Homeless.” YouTube, 10 June 2019, www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=112&v=yWSi4mZ1G9w. Accessed 21 June 2019.Sparling, Zane. “ODOT’s Anti-Camping Tactics Split Opinions in Goose Hollow.” Https://Joomlakave.Com, Portland Tribune, 20 June 2019, pamplinmedia.com/pt/9-news/431413-339842-odots-anti-camping-tactics-split-opinions-in-goose-hollow. Accessed 21 June 2019.

"ESOL News Oregon by Timothy Krause is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. except where noted.