Canby band missed the parade, so they marched in the parking lot

(JUNE 3, 2019) Students at Canby High School have a marching band. A marching band plays music while marching in parades. And that was the plan for Canby High School, too. They were going to march in the Starlight Parade in Portland last Saturday.

However, someone forgot to tell the school bus driver.

The students were ready, but the bus was not. They could not go to the parade. However, they did not waste the opportunity to play music.

“Life doesn’t always deal you the best hand of cards, but this was a teachable moment to make the best of your situation and persevere,” said the music director Nick Luchterhand. "So, we put on the uniforms, put our instruments together, and marched around the school parking lot.”

The students might still march in a parade. The Rose Festival Parade in Portland invited the band to join them next Saturday. This time, they will be sure the school bus is ready.

Williams. “With No Ride to the Starlight Parade, Canby High School Band Marches in Parking Lot.” Oregonlive.Com,, 2 June 2019, Accessed 3 June 2019.

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