Are Oregonians bad drivers?

Oregon State Police gives a driver a speeding ticket near Eugene Oregon
Oregon State Police gives a driver a speeding ticket near Eugene Oregon.

(SEPTEMBER 4, 2018) About 3.2 million Oregonians have drivers licenses. Many drive well. Some do not. There were more than 353,000 traffic convictions in 2017. A conviction means someone did something wrong.

There were 1.86 million traffic convictions in Oregon from 2013-2017. The most common types of traffic convictions were:

  1. Driving after drinking or using drugs
  2. Not using seat belts
  3. Using a cell phone
  4. No insurance
  5. Unsafe driving
  6. Not following traffic stop signs, traffic lights, etc.
  7. No drivers license
  8. Speeding
TACT Speeding Violation b Oregon Department of Transportation (TACT speeding violationUploaded by Smallman12q) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Theen, Andrew. “Top 10 Oregon Traffic Convictions: Speeding, Texting and More.” OregonLive.Com,, 4 Sept. 2018, Accessed 4 Sept. 2018.
"ESOL News Oregon by Timothy Krause is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.