May Issue 2

School News

New Music To Listen To During Quarantine

By Izzy Grimmer

We have all been under a national quarantine for nearly 2 months. Most people have exhausted the shows on any streaming service, already dyed our hair, and now have nothing to do. But before you resort to scrolling all day on your favorite social media, we have a few new songs that you can listen to as you eat your fourth bag of chips before 10 a.m..

  1. Stuck With U

Stuck With U is a calab between two music artists; Ariana Grande, and Justin Beaber. The song is actually about quarantine, and it has a pretty good melody.

  1. Be Kind

Be Kind is another calab between Marshmallow and Halsey. And, shockingly, Halsey is mad again. (See some of her last songs for reference) All considered, this song is upbeat and peppy, and I suggest listening to it while you go for a run. Social distance runs, of course.

  1. Break My Heart

Break My Heart is an awesome new song by Dua Lipa. I listen to it quite a lot. It definitely has those 90’s vibes in it(and on the cover), and it is so fun to listen to.

That’s all for this week's new music! Hoped you enjoyed these picks!

Social Media: Fletcher Stats

By Sam Laxman

We asked the Fletcher community for their favorite social media(s). The results are out- YouTube has scored the most- with 58.5% (27) of all the votes. In second place, you’ll find Instagram, with only about 17%. TikTok takes bronze, with just 4 votes total.

Next, we asked you why you picked what you did. Here are some randomly selected responses:

“i think youtube is better than other platforms because it has a wider spectrum of content and lots of independent creators that built their following from the ground up as opposed to many creators on other platforms that either work for a big company and therefore have little to no control over the content they create. not to mention the fact that youtube is a quite large company with thousands of hours of content uploaded to the site daily.”

“I like Instagram because you can see other people's photos and videos, and you can share parts of your life with your friends really easily.”

“Youtube is better than another social media platform because it is kid friendly, a lot of people are on it, and you can spend hours on it.”

“I like how you [on Instagram] can erase messages you didn’t mean to send, and I like the fact that you can post for 24 hours (story) or longer (post).”

“You can post, make friends, communicate, express yourself, and showcase yourself and your skills [on Instagram]”

“Because there are a lot of different creators and styles on the [TikTok] app, there's almost something for everyone.”

“The videos are short [on TikTok] and you don't need a lot of time to make or watch one.”

Then, we wondered what kinds of videos were most popular. Not much of a surprise there- ‘Funny Videos’ were selected by 40 of 53 respondents, followed by ‘Memes’ with 29 votes. In third place we found a three-way tie: ‘Art Videos,’ ‘Baking and Cooking Videos’ and ‘Movies’ found themselves tied at 23 votes each.

The logical next question, of course, is what kind of posts are most popular. There, ‘Memes’ came up first with a respectable 31 votes, followed closely by ‘Happy Posts’, with 30. Third place wasn’t so closely contested for-’Current Events’ took 16 votes total.

We also wondered how often people posted on social media. On a scale of 1 to 5, with one being ‘Never’ and 5 being ‘Always and Forever, we got most people picking one, with just a single vote for 5. It was a pretty even distribution, as you can see below.

For our final question, we asked people to upload screenshots of their absolute favorite posts ever. Look to the image carousel above to see a few, randomly selected.

Images Responses for question: "What is your favorite post ever?

COVID-19 News

Shanghai Disneyland Has Reopened

By Roy Jeong

After a four-month shutdown, Shanghai’s Disneyland is reopening, although it is only admitting about 30% of its normal capacity. Tickets for the occasion sold out in just a few minutes last week, according to Forbes. In addition to limited entry, it is stepping up other health measures, such as increased sanitation, advance ticketing, and social distancing in lines. All visitors are also required to wear masks and take temperature scans. Parades will also be limited, with visitors not allowed to touch characters. On rides, only one person/family unit is allowed per car, and there are social distancing markers for shows as well. Shanghai could serve as a model for other Disney attractions around the world- if it works. There are still many who believe that opening up is inviting disaster!

Sources: Forbes, Here’s What Socially Distanced Disneyland Looks Like After Reopening by Isabel Togoh

CBSN, Disney reopens its Shanghai theme park with masks and limits

Image: Jeremy Thompson, Flickr, licensed under CC

How To Avoid Going Crazy While Under Quarantine

By Roy Jeong

Wait, why are you going crazy to begin with? Humans are very social creatures. In fact, Business Insider found that “people who have weaker social relationships are 50% more likely to die over a given period than those with more robust connections, according to a 2015...analysis including more than 308,000 people.” So when you’re not out and interacting, it’s sort of a rude jolt to your brain. I DON’T mean you should go to parties, though. That’s dangerous! So I made a new list of things for you to do!

  1. Make sure you finished everything I told you to do last week here (And it’s a long list, don’t skip any!).

  2. If you have finished, start eating healthy. It’ll make you feel less sluggish.

  3. Facetime, Skype, or Zoom your friends (again).

  4. Limit your news intake. This might sound counterintuitive, but watching too much news can increase your sense of panic or distress. Pick a few topics you want to know about, or watch the governor's speech every day.

  5. Keep a routine. Consistency is good for mental health.

  6. Accept the new “normal”. Try to find positive things in your life(i.e. reading this newspaper ;).

Science Section

Was Jurassic Park Inaccurate?

By Roy Jeong

What do you see when you think of a T. Rex? Many of us see the massive, brownish-green, roaring monster from Jurassic Park. But that depiction may be inaccurate. From the many bones found since the movie was made 25 years ago, scientists now believe that may have been a colorful, birdlike scavenger. “‘It's possible that it had feathers, was pink, and danced to attract mates,’ paleontologist Jack Horner, who served as the science adviser for the five ‘Jurassic Park’ movies, told Business Insider.” This isn’t the only problem. For example, paleontologists now know that the long-necked Brachiasaurus didn't have elephant-like feet. The Dilophosaurus didn't spit venom, and raptors probably had the beginnings of feathered wings. The largest inaccuracy was the colors. The dinosaurs were shown in browns and greens, but they are now known to have been colorful and feathered, most likely to attract mates. All in all, it appears the franchise has not been keeping up with contemporary research.

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

Online Safety

By Rosie Sandomire

The Internet is a crucial part of our world these days. Just try to imagine what life would be like without

it! The Internet appears friendly (think or Club Penguin), but under this kind, cute surface lurks a

not-quite-as-nice inside. Let’s start with a basic problem: cyber bullying. You’ve probably heard about this

one before. Basically, be nice while online. But what if someone cyber bullies you? Many sites have an

option to block or report someone, so you should probably do that. You should also tell someone responsible

who can help you. Another, slightly less common, but far scarier threat are predators. But are online

predators a real threat to children and teenagers? I turned to google and found this article. Here’s a

summary of it:

A psychology professor at UCLA, Patricia Greenfield, studies chat rooms for teens. She has found and reported joking about physical violence and assaults, aggression, and disturbing exchanges involving racial prejudice. Even as a bystander that did not participate in the “chats,” she received several messages. Chat rooms that were not monitored were especially worrisome, but even those that were monitored were not always successful at censoring that kind of material. For example, she learned that teens used codes such as “A/S/L” (age, sex, location) to provide information that would not have been allowed. And, although the chat rooms were supposed to be for teens, there was no way to know what age any of the participants truly were. So, stay safe while on the internet. As a basic set of guidelines, you shouldn’t be sharing personal information on the web or engaging in the types of chat rooms discussed above. Stay safe!

Sources: Online Predators: What Do We Know, and What Can We Do? By Lara Long and Diana Zuckerman, PhD, National Center for Health Research

Image by 200 Degrees from Pixabay

Literature Section

An Interview With The Big Bad Wolf...

By Sam Laxman

Hello, readers! Have you ever wondered whether the Big Bad Wolf was really all that bad? Well, then this should answer your question- with an exclusive interview with Mr. Wolf himself!*

Interviewer: Welcome, Mr. Wolf!

Mr. Wolf: Ah, it’s all my pleasure.

Interviewer: Mr. Wolf, what do you have to say about your public image after the incident with Ms. Hood and the Pig Brothers?

Mr. Wolf: You know, I’m just a really misunderstood wolf! I mean, I swear I never tried to eat Little Red or her darling Grandma! That was all just propaganda. Really, the rumors are crazy! People taste awful! Oh, well, that came out wrong. I have never in my honest wolf life eaten a person. All I was trying to do was ask Red if I could borrow her hood! And then she ran away screaming, and suddenly I was the bad guy! As for the pigs, I had a cold, but I dragged myself out of bed to welcome them to the neighbourhood! And they built houses of straw for goodness’ sake! I sneezed and it came right down. Then the press turned up and it all just went downhill from there.

Interviewer: Oh! I never looked at it like that before. Can you tell me a bit more about your current relationship with Ms. Hood? Will it ever truly heal?

Mr. Wolf: Ah. So, well, after hearing my side of the story, the court let me go free, right? But Red was unable to admit she was wrong. She kept insisting I was the bad guy. And that spread. When I finally got her to admit the truth, it was too late. My reputation was ruined. But I forgive her. I know what it’s like to admit you’re wrong, especially in front of a bunch of people. So we’re, I suppose you could say casual acquaintances now, but I can’t seem to forgive her fully, no matter what. She gets that. I’d say we’ve put most of that behind us.

Interviewer: That’s good to hear. Finally, Mr. Wolf, we’d like to hear about your childhood.

Mr. Wolf: My! I’ve- well, to be honest, nobody’s ever cared about that before. But, uh, it was a normal wolf family, with Mama Wolf and Papa Wolf. I was an only child, you see, and so I was a bit spoilt. I just never anticipated that I’d only be able to visit them once a week one day. But they always stuck by me. I suppose I’m just really lucky!

And that concludes our exclusive interview! Thank you!

*Important: This interview is solely for fun and is fantasy. We did not actually interview a fictional character.

Witch's Brew

By Sam Laxman

Cauldron boiling, nice and hot,

Throw some newt’s eye in the pot.

Add some herbs and silver blood,

And moonflower petals soaked in mud.

Throw in pages of hope and tears,

As well as a drop of purest fears.

Stir it, stir it, while it’s warm,

A drop will take the world by storm.

What does it make? What can it do?

That, young witch, is up to you.

For it is a cup of water boiling,

But the thing that’s really evil-foiling,

The thing that’s a true force of good

The one who can and the one who should,

The hero hiding behind the scenes,

Is in the blood that’s in your veins.

Yes, young witch, what I say is true,

The force of nature, well, it’s you.

Image by Jazella from Pixabay

Advice Column

From, Annoyed

By the Everything News Advice Team and Ms. Chin

Even though I am two years older than my sister, my mom and dad put us on the same level for everything! If she gets in trouble (which she always does) then I get in trouble too because we are sisters. Then whenever I complain to my parents about it then they just deny it or mock me about "how deprived I am." What do I do to show my parents that I am more mature than my 10 year old sister?



Dear Annoyed,

I get it! Many of us at the Tiger Times have little siblings too- and you've got no idea how similar our problems are! Maybe you can try to take care of your sister, or take her under your wing. If you can reduce the number of times your sister gets in trouble in the first place, your parents may realize that you know right from wrong and can help your sister with that. You can also try other ways to show that you're more mature than your sister, maybe by being more helpful around the house or by being a good role model. Hopefully your parents will take notice! Even though it's really hard to do this, try not to complain about the unfairness all the time. Then, if there's an issue you really want to speak up about, there's a better chance your parents will listen. Finally, try to bring up any complaints later, when your parents aren't upset already. Then, they'll be more open to hear what you have to say rather than thinking you're simply making excuses.

Games Section

Leaderboard for the Awfully Mind-Boggling Quiz

Want a shot at the leaderboard? The top three scores get on. Try the quiz - here.

Congratulations to…

🏆Alice Ouellette - Score: 10/12

🏆Daniel - Score: 9/12

🏆HS -Score: 8/12

🏆 Amann M. Score: 8/12

Great job!

Image by G Lopez from Pixabay

The Bonkers Books Quiz

  1. The classic children's book, The Secret Garden, was written by…

  • Charles Dickens

  • Frances Hodgson Burnett

  • Lucas M. Hert

  1. In Roald Dahl's book, Matilda, at what age does Matilda teach herself to read?

  • Three years old

  • Five years old

  • Two years old

  1. Dr. Seuss' book, Yertle the Turtle, was banned in some places for what reason? Choose the best answer.

  • It was 'too political'

  • It insulted turtles

  • It was written by Dr. Seuss, who had made aggravating political statements

  1. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, a popular childrens' book, was written by whom?

  • L. Frank Baum

  • Edward Lear

  • Charles L. Dogson

  1. The author of books such as Alice in Wonderland used the pseudonym "Lewis Carroll"

  • False, Lewis Carroll was a real person.

  • True, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson was the real author.

For more questions (the quiz is too long!), your score, and a chance to get on the leaderboard, go here

Image by yeliao521 from Pixabay

123 Sudoku

Note: There is more than one solution!

Find a printable version of this game here.

The "What Taste Are You?" Quiz

Are you salt, sweet, bitter, sour, or umami? Take this quiz to find out!

Question 1:

When you hear your alarm go off in the morning, what do you do?

  1. Get out of bed, make your bed, and shower, refreshed and excited for the day!

  2. Grumble, hit the snooze on your alarm, and go back to sleep.

  3. Trudge out of bed, taking pillows and blankets with you, survey the mess in your room, and ignore it.

  4. Reluctantly get out of bed and make yourself breakfast.

  5. Slam your fist against your alarm and fall back asleep. No one says I get up, I make that decision. Especially not some stupid alarm.

Question 2:

Your mom says you should get some exercise, you’ve done nothing all day! You…

  1. Go for a run.

  2. Ignore her and continue playing video games

  3. This wouldn’t happen to you because you’ve been hanging with friends all day

  4. Do a couple of pushups

  5. Sleep

Question 3:

You are walking to class and someone calls your name. Ugh! It’s that girl that is always around you and your friends! So annoying! You…

  1. Put on a fake smile and walk with her to class as she rambles on about something dumb

  2. Pretend you didn’t hear her and walk faster away

  3. Catch up to your group of friends and start talking loudly about football. You know she hates football

  4. Duck into a classroom and pretend to be new and confused

  5. Turn around and tell her how you feel about her once and for all.

Question 4:

It’s lunch! What do you have in your bag?

  1. A rice salad, and one of your mom’s homemade cupcakes.

  2. A couple of quarters so you buy some chips and a banana from the lunch line.

  3. A ham and cheese sandwich and a soda.

  4. Leftover tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich.

  5. You get chips and cookies from the brunch line with some money you found in your binder.

Question 5:

Finally! The bell has rung and it’s time to go home. You get outta there by:

  1. You bike to the mall with some friends. You heard from Sarah that there's some really cute new vans that are on sale!

  2. You walk home.

  3. Your mom picks up you and your buddies for baseball practice.

  4. Bike home with a guy from computer science to play video games

  5. You take the bus and listen to music on your airpods.

If you picked mostly As:

You are sweet! You are fun, bouncy, energetic and fun to be around. Your friends also love your amazing baked goods.

If you picked mostly Bs:

Bitter! You can do things without help, and you are independent. You do well in school and you have a quiet personality.

If you picked mostly Cs:

You are umami! You are popular and good at sports. You always have friends around and you are a little scattered sometimes.

If you picked mostly Ds:

You are salty! Your friends love your sarcastic, loveable personality. You are a very interesting person to be around.

If you picked mostly Es:

Sour! You have a hard outer crust, but a sweet inside. You have friends that care about you and you love learning new things.

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Comics Section

Jury Duty

By Isaac Kim