Getting Comfortable with Pathways Technology Resources:

Google Apps

GSuite, Chrome, & Chromebooks

Taking care of a chromebook

Signing in to GSuite

Managing multiple GSuite accounts

Switching GSuite accounts on a shared device

GSuite Waffle Menu

GSuite Offline Mode & wifi issues

GSuite: Signing in to a chromebook

Using Google Apps on a mobile device

Google Chrome: Family Link

Google Chrome: Taking a screenshot

Google Chrome: Accessibility Features

Google Chrome: Omnibox

Google Classroom

How to Join

Initial Access

Bookmarking Classroom

Turning in Assignments

Checking Grades

Check for Upcoming Due Dates


Managing Student Notifications

Parent Notifications

Unsubmitting an assignment to keep editing

Submitting empty or incomplete work

Stream vs. Classwork


Signing In

Writing an email

Inbox Management

Creating Labels

Creating Filters

Google Calendar

Adding Events

Appointment Slots

Due Dates from Classroom

Google Drive

Creating Folders

Moving, Naming, and Starring Files

Sharing Folders

Google Meet

Etiquette: Do's and Don't's



Meet via Classroom

Google Docs

Opening a Document

Sharing Features


Making a Copy

Adding Citations

Accessibility Features

Previous Versions