Internship COrner

Are you looking for an internship?

PWFC has put together a list of different internships and webinar resources for you. Internships can be paid or unpaid positions, however, the most important thing about an internship is gaining valuable experience.

June Virtual Session: Tips to build your professional network

PWFC is excited to partner with New Sector Alliance who will be presenting a virtual session focused on how to build your professional network during the time of COVID-19 for our first summer session.

The session will be held on virtually on June 16th, 2020 from 4:00 - 5:30 pm through Zoom. RSVP HERE

benefits of doing an internship

  1. A chance to develop your knowledge and skills in a particular field or industry

  2. Exploring different roles to see which one you would like to pursue

  3. Getting insight into the way businesses work and what challenges they face on a daily basis

  4. The opportunity to create a network of contacts

  5. Gaining valuable work experience to set you apart from other candidates

  6. Acquiring university module credits

  7. Applying the concepts and strategies of academic study in a live work environment

  8. Getting the national minimum wage (if you do a paid internship)

If you want to read more about this click here