Year 2

Shapely Bikes

We can observe and draw part of a bicycle with an emphasis on the elements of line and shape

We can create patterns using 2D shapes.

We can create an artwork inspired by the work of Leslie DeRose.

The Art of Parts

We can use a viewing frame to observe part of a bicycle and do a detailed drawing of it.

Dots, Dots and more Dots

We can use a 'dot' as a springboard to create an abstract artwork using oil pastels and liquid watercolours.

Creating Colour Wheels

We can create a colour wheel and place the colours in the correct sequence using markers and pan watercolours.

A Colour Wheel Wheel out of Wheels

We can create an abstract artwork based on the colour wheel using acrylic paints.

We can make all the Secondary colours by mixing the correct Primary colours together.

Beautiful Bicycles

We can draw a detailed picture of a bicycle and create an artwork inspired by artist Joel Henriques.

Crazy Shape Bikes

We can design a crazy bike out of 2D shapes.

Britto Style Portraits

We can create an abstract portrait inspired by the artwork of Romero Britto.

Crazy Shape Faces

We can design a crazy face out of 2D shapes.

Drawing Facial Features

We can use observation skills to do detailed drawings of facial features.

Perfect Portraits

We can use observation skills to do a detailed self-portrait using marker with a liquid watercolour wash.