Panther Library Mission

Welcome to the Panther Library! We are here to help. Whether you're looking for a fun read or diving into a research project, you can count on us to light the way!

Lair (rhymes with "hair") is where  fierce wild animals live. Welcome to where we panthers reside!

Hours of Operation

Monday-Thursday           7:45AM-4PM

Circulation Policy

Students may check out up to three items for two weeks. Once the items are overdue, the student may receive a bill for the cost of replacement. Once the student returns the overdue item, the bill for replacement will be deleted (providing the item is not damaged); if the item is not returned or damaged, however, the student will be responsible for paying the charge by the end of the academic year.

R e a d   &   E n j o y

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Book Award Winners 

Click to find award-winning books from the American Library Association's young-adult division.

R e s e a r c h    &    L e a r n

High-School Resources

Middle-School Resources

Reliable News from Reuters

Reliable News from the AP

C h e c k  the  F a c t s

W r i t e    &    B e   H e a r d

MLA Samples

Look at papers to see how yours should look

Formatting Help

C l u b s    &    A c t i v i t i e s

Book Club: Thursday at Lunch

Chess Club: Wednesday after school until 4:45PM

T e a c h e r s'   L o u n g e

L i b r a r i a n s

 How can we help you? 

Dr. Staniec

District Librarian

Ph.D. (2013) University of Idaho

Ed.S. (2011) University of Idaho

Ed.M. (2007) University of Idaho

B.A. (1987) University of the Pacific (German and Journalism) 

I'm a nerd. I love learning, and I love teaching. My interests are animals, plants, cooking, nature, and skiing. I've been a high-school teacher for more than 20 years. Before I became a teacher, I worked as a television producer and writer (NBC, NBC Sports, and MSNBC), a commercial winemaker, and a technical writer/translator (German).

Mrs. Colwell

West-Wing Librarian | East-Wing Library Aide

When Mrs. Colwell is not working as a librarian, she is tending to her Pygmy Goats, travelling, or both--since she is Pygmy Goat judge, she travels around the country to judge goat shows! This is just one of many fun facts about Mrs. Colwell. Stop in the West-Wing Library to say, Hi!