Checking Attendance

When logged in as a parent you can view your child's grades and attendance for different classes.

You can see a quick snapshot of grades and attendance:

  1. After loggin in with your parent account, select which child's grades you'd like to view using the dropdown menu under your name

  2. On the homepage that appears, use the box in the upper right to see scores for graded assignments, graded test/quizzes, graded discussions, and your child's attendance.

**Note: Numbers will only show next to each category if they are new and haven't been viewed.

I see a symbol next to my child's attendance. What do the symbols mean?

To check attendance in more detail:

  1. After loggin in with your parent account, select which child's attendance you'd like to view using the dropdown menu under your name

  2. Click on the Grades menu on the red bar

  3. Select Attendance from the dropdown menu

  4. Click on the class

  5. The table will show you how many time your child was marked absent, late, and excused with dates

  6. If a teacher has left a comment for a particular day, it will display below the table