High School Schedule

High School Schedule and Information for Families

Parkway utilizes both synchronous and asynchronous learning. The term synchronous and asynchronous is widely used in education but may be new for many students and parents. When learning is in synchronous, all students are learning together doing the same thing at the same time. Think synchronized swimming when the team is all together. This can include live video conferencing, chatting, and live-streaming lessons. Asynchronous is learning when the teacher and students are doing work at different times. During asynchronous learning, teachers provide lessons, assignments, activities, etc. that students will be required to complete on their own time. Asynchronous learning is self-paced, more independent learning at the time most convenient for the student to to complete assignments, homework, etc.

More information about schedules and expectations can be found on the district Return to Learn page. For a full FAQ including topics related to items other than the schedule or expectations, please visit this page.

    • Once the period schedule is finalized, Wednesdays will have shorted classes to accommodate a "Learning Support" time. The “Learning Support” time is similar to an academic lab time in in-person school. Wednesdays include shorter, live (synchronous) virtual meetings for all courses.

    • Whether a class meets live at a scheduled time or students learn from recorded materials, readings, or other “asynchronous” means will be based on what the instructor determines best meets the instructional needs of the students and the curriculum for each week.

Schedule Information

  • Students will not be asked to meet with their instructor for a course during another course’s allotted time.

  • Students may schedule additional time with their instructor outside of the allotted course time as long as it does not conflict with required synchronous learning for another course.

  • All synchronous learning will be recorded and made available to students who may have missed class or would like to review the lesson.

  • Once the period schedule is finalized, Wednesdays will have shorted classes to accommodate a "Learning Support" time. The “Learning Support” time is similar to an academic lab time in in-person school. Teachers may direct students to meet with them during this time for additional support or students may request to meet with a teacher during this time. Unlike an academic lab, students are not assigned to be with a particular teacher during Learning Support time.

  • There may be some teachers who, due to schedule conflicts, may not be able to meet the synchronous expectations above. Those teachers will produce materials that students will access during their assigned block or another time of the student’s choosing. Instructors in this situation will communicate frequently with students including providing time when they are available to meet with students.


  • Students and families can expect teachers to respond to messages within 24-36 hours during the work week. If the teacher will be away and unable to respond to students, he/she will inform the students in advance.

  • Since timely and specific student feedback is critical in an online course, email and discussion boards will be checked daily.

  • Teachers will reach out to students if they are not engaging or completing assigned work. If the student cannot be reached, the parent will be contacted. If the student is still not actively working in the course, the school counselor will be notified.

  • Teachers will contact every student in the class within the first week to ensure student understanding of course workflow.