STudent TEchnology Support

This website is intended to provide technology and resource support for Park Hill District Students. Review the troubleshooting steps below or use the tabs above to explore the help guides provided.


6 Technology Troubleshooting Steps

Sometimes, the issue is technology related. Before calling tech support, try the steps below:

  1. Make sure you logged in through the Portal.

  2. If it is a website issue, right click and open the website in a different tab or try a different browser.

  3. Check for an Error Message.

    • If possible, take a screenshot of the error. Technology support can better assist if they can see a visual of the error.

  4. See if there is a shield in the URL field; you may have to "run or allow script."

  5. Search this website for videos and how-to guides for some quick fix "how-to" instructions.

  6. Logout of program and Re-login or RESTART your computer.

Technical Support

Still having technical issues? Call the Technology Help Desk

Monday - Friday 7AM to 5PM or Submit a Help Desk Ticket.

You may be asked to send an email with a screenshot of the error or be asked to duplicate the error by walking through the steps again. The more information you can provide the tech support team, the better!

Please notify your instructor about the technical problem.

Phone: 816-359-5000