Time Change this Weekend 

Don't forget to set your clocks back this Sunday morning, November 3. Don't worry . . . if you forget, you will get to church early. See you Sunday!

Youth/Family Dinner

If you have a child or youth in grades 4th-12th, bring your entire family and come join us for our Youth/Family Dinner on Sunday, November 3rd from 5-6:30pm. 

At our Youth/Family Dinners, you will get to connect with others who are on the same parenting journey, be able to find resources on a variety of youth and parenting topics, and share a meal together.

This is a great space to connect and invite others who are seeking connection during this difficult but fun journey of the preteen and teenage years.  

To RSVP and sign up to bring food, click here.

For more information, email Pastor Cody

We Need You for Feed My Starving Children 

Thank you for supporting our Parker Feed My Starving Children vent as it is coming up -- November 1 & 2.

We need help especially in packing during the Saturday, November 2 shifts:  12 - 2 pm and 2:30 - 4:30 pm. Training on what to do will be provided before each shift.

This is a great way to move your body and help people at th same time, burning off any excess candy energy. What a great opportunity to make an impact in only 2 hours!

November 6 Morning Gathering

Our sermon series, Do Unto Others, has challenged us to consider the humanity of each person in our circles during this divisive election season.

After Election Day, come together on Wednesday, November 6, for conversation and fellowship. We will meet in room 216 which will be open from 8 am to 12 pm.

No matter whether your candidate won or lost, the initiatives you voted on were approved or rejected, we may need to gather togather, knowing that Christ calls us to be one in his name. This will be a safe place to just be no matter what happens on Nov. 5.

Coffee will be provided. Feel free to bring cookies or donuts to share. Pastor Laura will buy the first dozen!

Sanctuary Needs

You have probably noticed that our organ died several months ago as did one of the screens in the sanctuary. Additionally, stage lights in the sanctuary are burning out at a quick pace. These items need to be replaced and we need your help.

We have already received enough donations for the organ and it is on its way! We are still raising about $3,000 to have in the organ maintenance fund. Check out the organ campaign on this website

We need $24,000 to replace both projectors and screens in the sanctuary. These will be at a higher quality and require less ongoing maintenance needs.

We need $43,000 to replace the stage lights in the sanctuary. We would like to replace these in time for Messiah on December 15.

If you are able to support one or any of these needs, please donate and indicate, Sanctuary Expenses. 

Interested in Joining the Church?

Sunday, November 10, is the next chance to join our church.

Whether you have attended our new member class or not, you are welcome to make it official and become a member of Parker UMC.

Please speak with either Pastor Laura or Pastor Cody if you are interested and ready to take this step into membership.

SECOR Volunteers Needed

Looking for ways to serve in our community and help make a difference? SECOR is seeking volunteers, particularly on Thursday afternoons, to help in their free food market and bring smiles and dignity to their shoppers.

Want to learn more or sign up? Email Monica Aden or click here to go to SECOR's website.

Cook-Off Success! 

We had a wonderful gathering at our annual Chili and Mac n' Cheese Cook-Off! Everyone enjoyed spending time together and sampling the many cook-off entries. Congratulation to the winners! 

The next potluck and Bake-Off will be on Sunday, December 8 at 11:30am. The contest theme is Christmas Cookies. 

Youth Into The World

We are collecting supplies for the fall packages for our Youth Into the World, our 17-24 year old members who are beginning or continuing a new phase in their lives.

Wrapped candies, snacks, cocoa, and popcorn will be sent with a new devotional book, a card and our prayers. Donated items can be brought to the church office.

Money is also helpful to purchase items as needed. One of our United Women in Faith circles will be working with the preteens to prepare the packages for mailing in mid-November.

We appreciate your help.

Spread the Word - Leave Us a Review!

Do you love our faith community?  Has Parker UMC been an important part of your faith experience?  Share with others by leaving us a review!  Your words matter as people read reviews to help them decide to come check us out.  This is an easy way to be able to spread the word, and we need your help!  

If you would like to take a minute and leave a review on Google, click here. 

If you would like to take a minute and leave a review on Yelp, click here.

Service for Bill Gripman, Sr.

The Celebration of Life for Bill Gripman will be Saturday, November 9, at 10 am at St. Andrews UMC (9203 S. University Blvd., Highlands Ranch, CO).

Memorial gifts may be given to Parker Task Force and/or Parker Rotary Club.

Hospitality Matters!!

Church Hospitality sets the tone for our entire church experience, helping each of us to feel the value that Jesus has for each of us. In recognizing all as individuals, we live the example Jesus gave us. Doing so cultivates a sense of belonging and connection, which are crucial for building a strong and vibrant church family. 

Consider:  How might you help cultivate a sense of belonging and connection as you meet people this week?

What is an "Endowment Fund"?

Through gifts today bequests, and future gifts that are realized years from now, many churches have built an endowment fund that assures a flow of funds that can support their church's ministry for generations to come. The foresight of those who have given already is providing the basis for a lasting legacy. This legacy ensures your gifts and provisions in your will today will make a difference for your children and their children as their church will continue to minister to the community and the world.

Contact the church office if you would like more information about our Parker UMC Endowment funds.

AARP Smart Drive Course

This class will be offered Saturday, November 16, 8:45 a.m. - 1 p.m. in room 144.

This course covers defensive driving techniques and the normal changes in vision, hearing, and reaction time associated with aging. Participates will learn practical techniques and operating vehicles more safely in today's increasingly challenging driving environment.

One benefit: all auto insurance companies give a three-year discount for taking the class. Check with your insurance company for details.

Cost is $20 for AARP members and $25 for non-members. Checks should be made payable to AARP.

To register, contact Larry McLaughlin by email or call 303-741-1403

Faith Talk Questions

In preparation for Sunday worship, we will provide 3 questions to consider ahead of time. You can use these in your own devotion time, in conversation with family and friends, or in a small group setting. We hope this will help you engage with the scriptural texts and sermon at a deeper faith level.

For November 3 worship:

This Sunday's Service

Please join us this Sunday as we continue our sermon series: Do Unto Others: Campaign for Kindness.  This Sunday's message is Jesus, Politics, and Religion. The scripture readings for this Sunday are James 4:1-6, 11-12 and Matthew 5:43-48.

Regular Worship Services

Midweek Message Deadline

All requests to add an item to the Midweek should be emailed to Pastor Laura by 6 p.m. on Monday evening.