Frequently Asked Questions:
Phase III & Phase IV

Arrival/Dismissal Times (See Responses Below)

  • Will the arrival and dismissal times change in Phase III and/or Phase IV?

    • Phase III

      • Arrival and dismissal times for all grade levels will remain the same as they were in Phase II.

    • Phase IV

      • The in-person learning schedule will extend to full days.

Social Distancing Protocols (See Responses Below)

  • What will be the social distancing protocols during Phase III and Phase IV?

    • Phase III

      • While the district will maintain six feet of social distance to the maximum extent practicable, it will likely not be possible in all scenarios/classrooms depending on the number of in-person learners in attendance at that time.

    • Phase IV

      • While the district will maintain six feet of social distance to the maximum extent practicable, it will likely not be possible in all scenarios/classrooms depending on the number of in-person learners in attendance at that time.

      • During lunch, all students will have a minimum of six feet between them.

Full-Remote Learners (See Responses Below)

  • How will full-remote learning be impacted by the two phases?

    • Full-remote learners will continue to follow the same schedules as their in-person classmates.

  • Can full-remote students participate in extracurricular activities and/or school-sponsored events?

    • Yes. Full-remote students are allowed to participate in any extracurricular activity or school-sponsored event, even if those events are in person.

Implementation of Phases (See Responses Below)

  • What will happen if the regional risk level for COVID-19 transmission increases?

    • As we have been consistently communicating throughout this year, we must remain flexible and adaptable. The parameters and protocols for Phases III and IV were developed based on the current data trends and health guidance.

    • During implementation of either Phase, we will examine any adjustments to these parameters that should be made to reflect health and safety measures as dictated by the health data at that time. This examination would be done with the singular purpose of continuing to meet our goal of increasing the amount of in-person learning time available to our students.

Individual Learning Model Changes (See Responses Below)

  • Is it true that my children cannot change learning models for the duration of Phase III after April 5?

    • The firmly-established timeframes for individual changes to learning models are designed to reduce the frequency of switches between learning models. The frequency of these switches has led to difficulty in maintaining educational consistency in the classroom and has created an additional layer of complexity in implementing health and safety protocols.

    • However, we certainly understand that there are situational circumstances within each family that cannot be ignored and/or avoided. Therefore, while the protocols provide only specified periods of time during which students can switch learning models, parents/guardians may contact their principals with requests for exceptions to that protocol to allow their children to switch models. Such determinations will be made on a case-by-case basis.

School Lunch (See Responses Below)

  • When will the in-person school day be extended to allow for full days, including lunch? Is it possible that full days will be implemented during the 2020-2021 school year?

    • We continue to explore and develop pathways toward the safe implementation of full school days (including lunch). The introduction of lunch into the school day is incredibly complex and must be done carefully in order to ensure the health and safety of our students and staff. The use of outside spaces is one of those options for school lunch; however, we also must ensure appropriate and safe locations for eating when the weather does not allow for outdoor eating. Any such changes will be predicated upon the health data at the time, including the COVID-19 transmission risk level.

    • It is possible that full days with lunch may be implemented at some levels and not others. For example, if solutions are identified for elementary school but cannot be implemented this school year at the middle and high schools, then we would provide for a full day schedule at the elementary level only.

Unexcused Present-Remote (See Responses Below)

  • Will the Phase II protocols regarding "unexcused present-remote" continue into Phase III/Phase IV?

    • The Phase II policy that required in-person learners to transition to a full-remote learning model after two unexcused “Present-Remote” days is eliminated during Phase III and Phase IV. Instead, building principals will handle attendance concern situations on a case-by-case basis by reviewing the circumstances with the student and the student’s parents/guardians.