Our Vision

To provide a structured program built on the foundation of our school and NZ Army values by incorporating physical activity and academic study to support our students to develop the fundamental skills required to be a successful learner.

We aim to enhance student engagement through the use of drill, physical training and academic study.

Our Services Academy students will leave us with the skills and values needed to become exceptional members of our community.

Our values

Our Services Academy is based on the school values and the NZ Army 3 CI values.

These values are interwoven into every part of the programme and we strive to foster our ākonga to uphold these in every aspect of their lives.

Our Aim

To generate funds to put towards the Services Academy at Papakura High School for items such as sports shoes for students and an outdoor military gym and bleachers.

Our why

In order to build a strong foundation, it is imperative that we walk the talk and lead from the front by modeling the values every day that we promote in Services Academy.

Want to get in contact?

Email addresses are as follows:

Kelly Teariki - k.teariki@papakurahigh.school.nz

Eparaima Paratene - e.paratene@papakurahigh.school.nz

Shauna Thomas - s.thomas@papakurahigh.school.nz

PHS Services Academy - phs.servicesacademy@gmail.com

please click on the link

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