Anxiety and Depression

--- You are not alone ---

What is Depression?

According to the American Psychiatric Association,

  • "Depression (major depressive disorder) is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. Fortunately, it is also treatable. Depression causes feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed. It can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems and can decrease a person’s ability to function at work and at home.

  • Depression symptoms can vary from mild to severe and can include:

  • Feeling sad or having a depressed mood

  • Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed

  • Changes in appetite — weight loss or gain unrelated to dieting

  • Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much

  • Loss of energy or increased fatigue

  • Increase in purposeless physical activity (e.g., hand-wringing or pacing) or slowed movements and speech (actions observable by others)

  • Feeling worthless or guilty

  • Difficulty thinking, concentrating or making decisions

  • Thoughts of death or suicide"

What is Anxiety?

According to the American Psychiatric Association,

  • "Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress and can be beneficial in some situations. It can alert us to dangers and help us prepare and pay attention. Anxiety disorders differ from normal feelings of nervousness or anxiousness, and involve excessive fear or anxiety. Anxiety disorders are the most common of mental disorders and affect nearly 30 percent of adults at some point in their lives. . But anxiety disorders are treatable and a number of effective treatments are available. Treatment helps most people lead normal productive lives.

  • Women are more likely than men to experience anxiety disorders.

  • Anxiety refers to anticipation of a future concern and is more associated with muscle tension and avoidance behavior.

  • Fear is an emotional response to an immediate threat and is more associated with a fight or flight reaction – either staying to fight or leaving to escape danger.

  • Anxiety disorders can cause people into try to avoid situations that trigger or worsen their symptoms. Job performance, school work and personal relationships can be affected.

  • In general, for a person to be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, the fear or anxiety must: be out of proportion to the situation or age inappropriate AND hinder your ability to function normally.

  • There are several types of anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, specific phobias, agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder and separation anxiety disorder."

Treatment of Depression and Anxiety

  • Depression and Anxiety can be treated in a variety of ways. Some treatment options include:

      • Use of prescribed prescription medication (anti-depressants or SSRI's)

      • Consistent therapy and/or counseling (psychotherapy)

      • Treatment programs

      • In-patient/out-patient hospitalizations

      • Meditation/relaxation techniques

      • Self-help and useful coping skills

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