eBook 电子书

Pa-Auk Tawya Daily Chants 帕奥禅林课诵本


This Book is available for free distribution at PAMC 

Pa-Auk Tawya Daily Chants 

(3rd Edition)

PDF (Version: 09/2023, 313 pages, size: 2.5mb)

"This edition of the Pāli chanting book is currently being used at Pa Auk Meditation Centre. As in the previous edition, it follows the Sixth Buddhist Council’s (Chaṭṭha Saṅgāyanā Tipiṭaka) Pāli text. However, in this edition, more chants or Suttas have been added. Furthermore, all Suttas, with the exception of the last three, have been translated into English."

The “Third Edition” includes English translations for the three weekly extra chants: Āṭānāṭiyasuttaṁ, Girimānandasuttaṁ, and Mahāsamayasuttaṁ.