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Teachers' Two Cents

"Your Penny at Work"

Disney Plus vs. Netflix

by Griselda Escandon-Franco

A regular feature of the OMS Village News will be a weekly editorial from one our teachers or staff. As the Editor-in-Chief, I’m taking the first shot at it. - Mr. Zack

Stop the Drama!

There seem to be many kids who aren’t happy unless they’re making everyone around them miserable. Their day is not complete unless they’ve started a fight, reduced someone to tears, or gotten a teacher to explode and kick them out. I get it – life ain’t easy. School is often boring. Those are the facts, kids. Learning to deal with those facts is what growing up is all about. You can scowl and grumble and bully others because it makes you feel better about your miserable self – OR – you can accept the things you cannot change and get about the business of having a happy life.

Life isn’t a Coca-Cola commercial. I have never seen people that happy and carefree in real life, certainly not because of a soft drink. Every day brings problems and challenges and irritations great and small. The people you see around you who are smiling are the people who can put those challenges in perspective. The happy people you see don’t have easier lives than yours. They just deal with it better. That’s not always an easy task, but it’s an effort that’s worthwhile. It’s certainly a better use of energy than finding the most vulnerable person in the room and making them as miserable as you.

Disney Plus is a new subscription service that is coming up and is sure to blow Netflix out of business because Disney Plus will cost less than Netflix (7$ each month) including discounts on online pre-orders before the streaming service even comes out. Also they are making deals for people to pay less. For example, “Disney Plus plans to bundle with ESPN Plus and ad-supported Hulu for $13 a month, $5 cheaper than the three would cost together -- and the same price as Netflix's most popular tier. ” This statement was stated by Mike Sorrentino. I’m not trying to say Netflix is bad and that their prices cost more then Disney Plus, but it just cost more because it’s a popular tier, and most teenagers and adults watch the movies that Netflix provides them, but their prices are much higher than Disney Plus. Their prices used to be $10.99. Now their prices are $12.99 and increased by 18%. Netflix premium plan increased from $13.99 to $15.99, up to 14%, while the basic plan went up by $1 to $8.99, climbing 12%. All of this information that I just said means that Netflix grew more popular so their prices increased more and more.

Disney Plus is a streaming service that will provide you with all your favorite shows and movies including original shows from Marvel, Star Wars, Pixar, and even Disney’s own studio. So if you are a huge fan of all of these things that Disney Plus is providing, then I will totally recommend this streaming service for you. All of the original shows from Disney’s own studio like Iron Man, The Jungle Book, and The Simpsons will be included.

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