James Buck Horne

James Buck Horne

My very first job after I married my wife Brenda Horne in 1976 was with Warren Brothers. My position was a ground man. My first plant was a manual batch plant made by Warren Brother.

I have been in the Asphalt industry for 43 years and have been involved working with the production of asphalt plants, at lab testing and even the laydown of asphalt. I was a Vice President of Dickerson Florida Inc., Felix Asphalt; Community Asphalt then became owner of my own company H & D Construction for 10 years.

Dickerson Florida Inc. - I started off as ground man moved up to plant foreman and moved up to Vice President. I gained an abundant knowledge of asphalt plants with the Dickerson family which had 45 asphalt plants from the Carolinas to the Florida Keys. I also gained knowledge in asphalt lay down (millions tons of asphalt) and won many awards in the asphalt industry. The Pat Bolton award is the highest honor for Asphalt in the state of Florida and I won it four years consecutive.

I went to Florida University for my schooling in asphalt testing and asphalt laydown testing and received all my certifications in all aspects of asphalt. I also attended Auburn University for schooling in SuperPaved Asphalt and received my certifications in SuperPave material test and mix designs.

Felix Asphalt - I was hired as Vice President for Felix Asphalt which was based out of New York City. This was the owner’s first asphalt plant and the plant was located in Vero Beach, FL.

We were the first company in the history (57 years) of the Florida Asphalt Paving Association and FDOT to win the Pat Bolton award being our first year in business (this has not occurred since) . We started from an empty building to an office and state of the art lab! This lab was my dream lab! This company was sold out to Community Asphalt. After the takeover from Community Asphalt I remained Vice President for Community.

I have experience in operating drum plants, batch plants, counterflow, rotary mixers, and continuous mix plant. I enjoy asphalt, what can I say!

I have had the opportunity to work with my wife in the construction industry from 1990 to 2008. My wife Brenda was a personnel director and safety director. She worked with me at Dickerson, Felix and Community Asphalt. Also Brenda Horne received her lab certification in 1984. My son in law Mike DiGiacomo has all asphalt certifications and has worked in the construction industry for 15 years. Mike has a college degree in business. He currently owns his own construction company called Platinum Construction. Both my wife and daughters Selina DiGiacomo and Misty Khoury worked at our H & D Construction office.

I really like designing asphalt items and troubleshooting! It's like a puzzle and I completely enjoy it. Most of all my entire family loves God and we have our own Church called CAYAC (come as you are church) Working with my family as a team in this industry and getting all the awards of producing the best mix in the state of Florida!