Common Yarrow

Researched and Written By: Ryker

Here is a photograph from our garden

Achillea millefolium


Achillea millefolium, AKA Yarrow has kale type leaves. The stem is green with beautiful flowers. The flowers are really white and tan, they only have five petals on each flower and a bud in the middle. The flowers are usually in a bunch. The leaves are in an alternating pattern. The edges of the leaves are toothy but not pokey.

Interesting Facts:

It's a perennial plant it grows in lots of places. The full name is achillea millefolium. It can be planted instead of grass and mow them every once in awhile. The native people brewed it in tea. It is native to Oregon and the pacific northwest.

Distinguishing Features

Achillea millefolium

This is a scientific drawing and closeup done by Ryker



Life Cycle

Survival Traits

Oregon History: