Cardinal Monkeyflower

Researched and Written By: Ava A. and Laurence

Photographs by Ava and Laurence  from the Pollinator Garden

Erythranthe cardinalis


The Cardinal Monkey Flower grows up to 1-3 feet tall. Cardinal Monkey Flowers are colored red, orange, and yellow. They  have hairy stems and the leaves are pokey. Cardinal Monkey Flowers have leaves that are typically 4in long with green teeth along the side. 


Cardinal Monkey Flowers are native to Oregon, Baja California, Nevada, and in some parts of the southwestern United States, 

Growing Conditions:

The Cardinal Monkey Flower grows best in wet soil and some shade and sun. They grow in the spring, summer, and fall. They love water bog rain gardens. 

Survival Traits

Cardinal Monkey Flowers are rabbit and deer resistant. They have no pest and disease problems and have a lot of pollen. Hummingbirds transport their pollen. 


The Cardinal Monkey Flower attracts hummingbirds and butterflies. 

Lifecycle and Reproduction: 

Cardinal Monkey Flowers reproduce with pollen in the early spring and fall.  The seeds are scattered in early spring/fall.

Interesting Facts: 

The Cardinal Monkey Flower won the award for garden merit. 

About the Authors:
Laurence likes to garden. His favorite color is purple and my favorite animal is a lion.
Ava A. likes cake. She loves dogs. She likes the color blue. She also  likes cupcakes, cats, and  school. 

Cardinal Monkeyflower

This is a scientific drawing  by Ava A.

Cardinal Monkeyflower

This is a scientific drawing  by Laurence