Blogging Help

Copy of How to Guide for devices and applications
How to put a Google drawing on your blog
Dual Windows for Laptops/Chromebook.webm

How to split your screen


How to post on your blog

How to remove the background from an image

Blog Posting

Steps to Create a Quality Post!


Your title is possibly the most important part of your post! It needs to be catchy and make the reader want to click to learn more!


Start with what you have been learning about. Let the reader know what the post is for. Do you want feedback, to teach or do you want a comment about your published work? You can include a link to the learning found on the Team Site.

  • What have you been learning?

  • Describe what your digital learning object shows about your learning?

  • What did you enjoy or find challenging?

  • What might you do differently next time?


This is where you share your thoughts about what you have learnt, what challenges you overcame and what your next learning step may be.

Sources - where you got the information from

This is where you add links or videos to research you may have done to help you with your presentation. It makes sure that you are not stealing anyone’s work. This can also be called referencing and it is a good habit to get in to!

D.L.O. - Digital Learning Object

How are you going to share your learning? It could be a Screencastify, Slide, Doc, Photo or any other digital object.


Always sign off with a question and a thank you to make people want to comment on your post!