


Read about Tupaia

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Explorers of the Sunrise-SJSL L4 2014 (2).pdf

Remember to use your Read/Write tool to listen to the information.

How to use PDF Read/Write Reader

Click on this icon - its on your toolbar.

Click on open from Google Drive.

Type in SJL-Tupaia and open it.


Who is Your Explorer?

Use Genial.ly to create an interactive image.

Answer the questions about your explorer in your interactive image.

  1. Who is your explorer?

  2. Where and when was your explorer born?

  3. How did they travel to New Zealand?

  4. Which different lands did your explorer visit before New Zealand?

  5. Write 3 other interesting facts you found out about your explorer.

Remember to write the information IN YOUR OWN WORDS!

Your Explorer's Journey

Where has your explorer Traveled?

Use Google Drawing. Insert a map and show which places around the world he or she has journeyed to.

Make sure to include:

  1. Title for your Map

  2. Labels for each location

  3. A small description of what he or she did there

  4. Another other interesting facts

Take a screen shot of your map and insert a copy on your blog.

Diary of an Explorer

What would it be like to be your explorer? How do you think he/she felt on his journeys to other places around the world?

Imagine you are (your explorer) and write a diary entry. Think about what you would be doing. Will you be on a ship (name it) sailing or would you be about to land on new land?

Remember to include your thoughts and feelings and what you experience.

Look at the examples above to help you.

Timeline of Your Explorer

Create a timeline of important events that happened to your explorer.

Think about the important events that happened in his/her life. Some questions to consider:

  • When and where was he/she born?

  • Where and when did he/she travel to?

Remember to include a date, sub-heading and small description in your timeline. You can include pictures to make it more interesting.

Look at the example above to help you see what a timeline looks like.


Share your learning

Once you have completed a task, share it on your Learning Blog. Make sure to include the following:

  1. Title - hook your audience in with something creative

  2. Explain your learning: This week I have been learning to...

  3. Your creation: A picture, link or your learning that you have created

  4. Reflection: I have enjoyed this task because...

  5. Question: Ask your audience a question to start a conversation.

    • What is your favourite ...?

    • Have you ever ...?

    • Do you like ...?