NGSS Foss: 3rd Grade: Earth Science

water & climate


Module Description & Pacing Guide

Water is the most important substance on Earth. Water dominates the surface of our planet, changes the face of the land, and defines life. Weather is driven by the Sun and involves the movement of water over the earth through evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff—the water cycle. Climate is determined in part by the amount of precipitation in a region and by temperature fluctuations. Human societies depend on water, and new technologies are being engineered to conserve and protect this natural resource, to provide for the needs of people around the world.

Students engage with these powerful pervasive ideas in the Water and Climate Module through the anchor phenomenon of weather in diverse climates. The driving questions for the module are how is water involved in weather, and are weather conditions the same around the world and throughout the year? Students explore the properties of water, the water cycle, and interactions between water and other earth materials. Students learn how humans use water as a natural resource. Students engage in science and engineering practices while investigating water, weather, and climate, and explore the crosscutting concepts of patterns; cause and effect; scale, proportion, and quantity; and systems and system models. They are introduced to the nature of science, how science affects everyday life, and the influence of engineering, technology, and science on society and the natural world.

3rd Grade FOSS: Earth Science (Water and Climate)