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Lesson Synopsis

1. Opening

A. Engage the Learner (5 minutes)

2. Work Time

A. Analyze Farewell to Manzanar, Part 3 - RL.8.7 (35 minutes)

3. Closing and Assessment

A. Peer Share: Compare Text to Film - RL.8.7 (5 minutes)

4. Homework

A. Complete Compare Text to Film Note-Catcher: As necessary, students add notes to their Compare Text to Film: Farewell to Manzanar note-catcher, drawing on their anchor text and Connections and Distinctions note-catchers to determine how the film is faithful to or departs from the text. They also analyze how the moments in the text and film develop significant ideas.

B. Preread Anchor Text: Students skim chapters 14-17 of Farewell to Manzanar in preparation for a jigsaw that centers on these chapters in the next lesson.

Daily Learning Targets

  • I can analyze the extent to which the film Farewell to Manzanar stays faithful to or departs from the text, evaluating the filmmakers' choices. (RL.8.7)

Lesson Prep

  • Prepare the third film segment of Farewell to Manzanar (00:52:47-01:15:20). Review the segment for content that may be sensitive for students, and consider ways to support them.

  • Cue the film to the correct spot, and ensure that the sound and display are functioning as needed.

  • Post the learning targets and applicable anchor charts (see Materials list).

Lesson Plan


A. Engage the Learner (5 minutes)

  • Invite students to retrieve their Compare Text to Film: Farewell to Manzanar note-catchers. Draw their attention to the third table, for Film Segment 3. Ask students to note the four moments of focus described in the left-hand column of the table. Remind students that these moments are the four sections of the film segment that they will focus on as they watch.

  • Refer students to the page numbers included in the right-hand column of the third table. Remind students that this is where these moments can be found within the chapters they have already read. Ask students to retrieve their copies of the text Farewell to Manzanar, and give them a few minutes to revisit these pages, reminding themselves of the content and the ways in which the authors have conveyed these moments in the text.

  • Repeated routine: Follow the same routine as with the previous lessons to review learning targets and the purpose of the lesson, reminding students of any learning targets that are similar or the same as in previous lessons.

Work Time

A. Analyze Farewell to Manzanar, Part 3 - RL.8.7 (35 minutes)

  • Review the learning target relevant to the work to be completed in this section of the lesson:

"I can analyze the extent to which the film Farewell to Manzanar stays faithful to or departs from the text, evaluating the filmmakers' choices."

  • Tell students that they are now going to watch the third segment of the Farewell to Manzanar film. They will use their Compare Text to Film: Farewell to Manzanar note-catchers, taking notes in the Film Segment 3 table. Give students a moment to review their notes from Film Segments 1 and 2 to remind themselves of their earlier work.


As in Unit 1, before students view the third segment of the film adaptation of Farewell to Manzanar in Work Time A, invite them to make a list of significant ideas from chapters 5, 8, 9, and 11 of the text. This will help to orient students to the film viewing task and help them to focus on key events, ideas, and individuals from the text.

  • Remind students to keep in mind the habits of character on the Work to Become Effective Learners anchor chart and the Work to Become Ethical People anchor chart as they watch the film.

  • Use a device to show the third segment of the film Farewell to Manzanar (00:52:47-01:15:20). As students watch, monitor their attention and progress on their note-catchers, providing encouragement and clarification as needed. If necessary to support student note-taking, pause the film at the end of each moment as indicated in the Compare Text to Film note-catcher. Refer to the Compare Text to Film: Farewell to Manzanar note-catcher (example for teacher reference) as needed.

  • After they watch the third segment, allow students time to add notes to the right-hand column of the note-catcher. Remind students that these notes should describe the extent to which the moments analyzed in the film stay faithful to or depart from the text as well as how these moments develop significant ideas in the text. Students should use their copies of the Farewell to Manzanar text to help them recall how moments were conveyed in the text. Students will have additional time to complete these notes for homework as well.

  • Repeated routine: Invite students to reflect on their progress toward the relevant learning target.


A. Peer Share: Compare Text to Film - RL.8.7 (5 minutes)

  • Direct students to pair up and share their notes from their note-catchers, focusing on their notes about the extent to which moments in the film segment stayed faithful to or departed from the text. Each student will give one star and one step to help improve his or her partner's notes.


During the peer share discussion in Closing and Assessment A, use strategic combinations of Conversation Cues to help students who need heavier support to be understood and to understand others:

"I'll give you a minute to think."

"Can you say more about that?"

"So, do you mean _____?"

"Who can repeat what your classmate said?"

  • Monitor students' discussions, and use specific questions to cue students to think with others and expand the conversation:

"How is what you wrote different from what your partner wrote?"

"Can you explain why your partner wrote it this way?"

"Can you add to your partner's ideas about this moment in the film?"

  • Invite students to reflect on the habits of character focus in this lesson, discussing what went well and what could be improved next time.