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Grade 8_ Module 4_ Unit 2_ Lesson 16

Lesson Synopsis

1. Opening

A. Engage the Learner - L.8.2c (5 minutes)

2. Work Time

A. Analyze a Model: Strong Conclusions - W.8.1e (5 minutes)

B. Practice Essay: Rehearse and Write a Conclusion - W.8.1e, W.8.4 (15 minutes)

3. Closing and Assessment

A. Peer Feedback: Practice Essay - W.8.5 (20 minutes)

4. Homework

A. Revise Practice Essay: Students complete and revise their practice essay, based on criteria and feedback received in Closing and Assessment A.

B. Independent Research Reading: Students read for at least 20 minutes in their independent research reading text. Then they select a prompt and write a response in their independent reading journal.

Daily Learning Targets

  • I can identify the purpose of each part of the conclusion paragraph of a model argument essay. (W.8.1e)

  • I can write the conclusion of my practice argument essay. (W.8.1e, W.8.4)

Lesson Prep

  • Prepare Entrance Ticket: Unit 2, Lesson 16 (one per student), and ensure there is a copy at each student's workspace.

  • Review the Argument Writing checklist to become familiar with what will be required of students over the remainder of the unit.

  • Post the learning targets and applicable anchor charts (see Materials list).

Lesson Plan


A. Engage the Learner - L.8.2c (5 minutes)

  • Repeated routine: Students respond to questions on Entrance Ticket: Unit 2, Lesson 16.

  • Once students have completed their entrance tickets, use a total participation technique to review their responses. Refer to Entrance Ticket: Unit 2, Lesson 16 (answers for teacher reference).

Work Time

A. Analyze a Model: Strong Conclusions – W.8.1e (5 minutes)

  • Review the learning target relevant to the work to be completed in this section of the lesson:

“I can identify the purpose of each part of the conclusion paragraph of a model argument essay.”

  • Invite students to refer to their Painted Essay® template to remember the parts of a conclusion paragraph:

    • Restated Main Claim

    • Reflection

  • Direct students to retrieve their Model Argument Essay: “How Farewell to Manzanar Conveys Jeanne’s Youth” and reread the conclusion paragraph, circling the restated claim and underlining any further reflection.


After Work Time A, invite students to participate in a Mini Language Dive in small groups to explore how a concluding statement in Model Argument Essay: "How Farewell to Manzanar Conveys Jeanne's Youth" follows from the main claim (W.8.1e). In the practice portion of this Mini Language Dive, students will have the opportunity to apply their learning to draft a concluding statement for the Partner Argument Essay.

  • Ask students to Think-Pair-Share:

“What role does the ‘further reflection’ play in a conclusion?” (The “what” of the conclusion provides thoughts on the importance of the main claim. The “so what” of the conclusion might leave the reader with a compelling last question, idea, or call to action on the topic.)

“What ideas do you have for the ‘further reflection’ in the conclusion you will write for your practice essay?” (Responses will vary.)

  • Invite students to help record the parts of a conclusion on the Characteristics of Argument Writing anchor chart. Refer to the Characteristics of Argument Writing anchor chart (example for teacher reference) and Model Argument Essay: “How Farewell to Manzanar Conveys Jeanne’s Youth” (example for teacher reference) as necessary.


In Work Time A, after students have analyzed the conclusion from the Model Argument Essay: "How Farewell to Manzanar Conveys Jeanne's Youth," display two additional alternate versions of this conclusion: one that's been further improved with increased transition words, new punctuation, nuanced vocabulary, and coordinating conjunctions, and one with significant issues and errors with content as well as transition words, the use of commas and other punctuation, and spelling. Invite students to discuss the characteristics of each conclusion and to identify strengths and weaknesses of each one. To extend this further, have students revise the weak conclusion.

B. Practice Essay: Rehearse and Write a Conclusion – W.8.1e, W.8.4 (15 minutes)

  • Review the learning target relevant to the work to be completed in this section of the lesson:

“I can write the conclusion of my practice argument essay.”

  • Discuss the following characteristic on the displayed Argument Writing checklist, adding to the Characteristics column as needed and answering any questions about the role of the conclusion in an argument essay. Refer to Argument Writing checklist (example for teacher reference) as needed.

    • W.8.1e: “I have a conclusion that follows from and supports my argument.”

  • Prompt students to gather their Practice Argument Essay Writing Plan graphic organizer.

  • Invite students to review their graphic organizer to remind them of their claim, reasons, and evidence. Remind students that it is often helpful to orally rehearse the words they will use before they write.


After Work Time B, invite students to code their practice essay according to the Painted Essay® format. This can serve as a way of reviewing the content and structure in preparation for the sharing ahead in the Closing and Assessment of the lesson, as well as for the writing that will take place during the End of Unit 2 Assessment.

  • Guide students through the following series of Turn and Talks, giving them time to orally process each question below with their partner, as they refine plans for their conclusion:

“What: How will you restate the main claim?” (Responses will vary.)

“So What: How will you reflect on why this claim is significant?”

“Why is it important for people to think about how the filmmakers’ choices effectively convey a significant idea from the text?” (Responses will vary.)

“How is this significant idea connected to big ideas surrounding internment?” (Responses will vary.)

“What is the takeaway message you want your reader to have?” (Responses will vary.)

  • Invite students to retrieve their devices, gather any remaining materials from the list below, and refer to the Characteristics of Argument Writing anchor chart as they write:

    • Model Argument Essay: “How Farewell to Manzanar Conveys Jeanne’s Youth”

    • Argument Writing checklist

    • Painted Essay® template

    • Practice Argument Essay Writing Plan graphic organizer

    • Farewell to Manzanar

    • Connections and Distinctions: Farewell to Manzanar note-catcher

    • Compare Text to Film: Farewell to Manzanar note-catcher

    • Significant Ideas anchor chart

  • Tell students they are now ready to draft the conclusion of their practice essay. Remind students that as they draft the conclusion, they should restate the main claim (the “what” of their essay) and provide a reflection (the “so what” of their essay).

  • Circulate to support students as they write and to identify common issues to use as whole group teaching points.

  • Repeated routine: Invite students to reflect on their progress toward the relevant learning target.


A. Peer Feedback: Practice Essay - W.8.5 (20 minutes)

  • Invite students to pair up with a new partner to share their practice essays and provide feedback against the following criteria from the Argument Writing checklist:

    • "W.8.1b, L.8.6: I support my claim with logical reasoning and relevant evidence."

    • "W.8.1a: I state my claim clearly, and my writing stays focused."

    • "W.8.1e: I have a conclusion that follows from and supports my argument."

  • Tell students that they will read their partner's entire practice essay, noting feedback on sticky notes.

  • Invite pairs to discuss the following questions:

"What is a strength of the essay?"

"What is one area for improvement?"

"How will you address the area(s) of improvement?"

  • Circulate and monitor interactions to ensure each student reads their partner's essay and notes feedback aligned to the criteria.

  • Invite students to record "Y" for Yes and the date in the final column of their Argument Writing checklist if they feel the criteria marked on their checklists have been achieved in their writing in this lesson.

  • Allow time for students to capture any final notes and to revise their practice essay, as needed, based on feedback.

  • Invite students to reflect on the habits of character focus in this lesson in their work to be respectful partners, discussing what went well and what could be improved next time.