Write a Practice Argument Essay: Analyze and Draft Proof Paragraph 2

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Lesson Synopsis

1. Opening

A. Engage the Learner - W.8.1b (5 minutes)

2. Work Time

A. Analyze the Model: Proof Paragraph 2 - W.8.1b (10 minutes)

B. Orally Rehearse Proof Paragraph 2 - W.8.5 (10 minutes)

C. Practice Essay: Draft Proof Paragraph 2 - W.8.1b (15 minutes)

3. Closing and Assessment

A. Pair-Share: Proof Paragraph 2 - W.8.1b (5 minutes)

4. Homework

A. Revise Proof Paragraph 2: Students revise Proof Paragraph 2 of their practice argument essay, based on feedback and criteria.

B. Independent Research Reading: Students read for at least 20 minutes in their independent research reading text. Then they select a prompt and write a response in their independent reading journal.

Daily Learning Targets

Lesson Prep

Lesson Plan


A. Engage the Learner - W.8.1b (5 minutes)

Work Time

A. Analyze the Model: Proof Paragraph 2 - W.8.1b (10 minutes)

"I can identify the reasons, evidence, and reasoning in Proof Paragraph 2 of a model argument essay."

"What is the reason/bread in Proof Paragraph 2?" ("In addition, public transportation is a good idea because it's safe.")

"What context does the writer give the reader before each piece of evidence?" (information about the safety of public transportation)

"What is the evidence/filling in Proof Paragraph 2?" ("An American Public Transit Association report from 2016 stated that 'Better public transportation contributes to more compact development.' This in turn 'reduces auto-miles traveled and produces safer speeds in those areas.' (Mackie, 2016)").

"How is this evidence introduced?" ("It's well known that public transportation is safe for people who ride it, but a lesser known benefit is the safety it provides for the people living in those cities and towns. Communities with public transportation tend to build housing near that public transportation.")

"What is the reasoning/bread in Proof Paragraph 2?" ("When people can travel fewer miles, and they go more slowly, there will be fewer accidents. This will be true even when people are not riding the public bus or train. It is clear that public transportation contributes to safety. It is the best choice for an individual, and also for communities overall.")

B. Orally Rehearse Proof Paragraph 2 - W.8.5 (10 minutes)

"What will you write as your reason/bread?" (Responses should identify the reasons students already planned together in Lesson 5.)

"What will you write as your context and evidence/filling?" (Responses will vary.)

"What will you write as your reasoning/bread?" (Responses will vary.)

C. Practice Essay: Draft Proof Paragraph 2 – W.8.1b (15 minutes)

“I can write Proof Paragraph 2 for my practice essay.”


A. Pair-Share: Proof Paragraph 2 - W.8.1b (5 minutes)

"What strengths can you identify in your partner's work?"

"What next steps can you name for your partner?"


In the next lesson, students will participate in a Language Dive using a sentence from Model Essay: "Transportation Choices" to explore how a writer connects a counterclaim to the main argument in an essay. Provide ELLs with the Language Dive sentence ahead of time. Invite students who need lighter support to predict some of the questions that the Language Dive may ask. This will improve students' metacognition and challenge their awareness of the most interesting or meaningful elements of the sentence.

In the next lesson, students will participate in a Language Dive using a sentence from Model Essay: "Transportation Choices" to explore how a writer connects a counterclaim to the main argument in an essay. Provide ELLs with the Language Dive sentence ahead of time. Encourage students who need heavier support to independently reflect on this sentence and its meaning before the next lesson. Students may also wish to add any unknown vocabulary to their vocabulary logs.