Saint Mary's Primary School & ELCC,
Duntocher, Clydebank
Duntocher, Clydebank
Dear Family and Friends,
Thank you for taking the time to visit our school website. Together, our pupils, staff, and parents work diligently to create a positive, safe, and nurturing environment for learning. Our website offers a wealth of useful and engaging information about our school, and we hope you enjoy exploring and learning more about us.
We wish you a warm welcome to St Mary's Primary School & ELCC. We realise how important this stage is in your child's life and how important it is for the whole family.
We hope you will always feel welcome and involved in your child's learning and that you will continue with this throughout his/her time in St Mary's.
We want to create a happy and safe environment where every child will: have the opportunity to develop his/her own particular talents; always have courage to have a go; be knowledgeable about their learning and where all in the school will aspire to achieve greatness in all they do.
We want our learners to work together, respect each other and to understand Scotland's place in the world, ensuring a pride in themselves, their community and in their country.
I hope that you will look upon our school as an extension of your home and through meaningful communication, co-operation and partnership between the school, your home and the parish community we can ensure the well-being of your child.
You will always be made welcome in the school whenever you wish to discuss the education and development of your child.
Warm regards,
Mrs Marie Guthrie
Head Teacher
Vision, Values and Aims
At our school we provide:
“A learning community- school, home and parish- working in partnership, committed to ensuring quality: care, welfare, learning, teaching, spiritual development and the development of God given talents. We hold high aspiration for attainment and wider achievement for all. We want our learners to be happy, confident and successful, contributing to their own school community, recognising their responsibilities within the global environment”.
We value: Faith and Family, learning to Flourish now and in our Future world. Our motto reminds us to: 'Be the best you can be'. Our values are implicit within our school aims ensuring:
· Leadership at all levels that ensures positive, successful outcomes.
· Love and care for each other living our Faith and sharing Gospel values.
· Respect for ourselves and each other in our home and school community Family and in our wider world family.
· Flourish together, developing skills for learning, life and work - empowered to learn - creating and achieving success together.
· Successful learners who are, happy, highly motivated and curious, building a better sustainable world - now- and in the Future.
· Confidence to 'Be the best you can be', making good choices that develop ourselves and help others.
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