
Welcome to the library

Just to let you know that the library has been given funding for a new project called Pass I.T on, it involves pupils from across all year groups getting together to develop their I.T skills and produce a video on a subject relevant to young people today.

You will work together to come up with an idea that you feel needs to be told, it is entirely up to you what you choose. Once the idea is in place you will research and produce a finished video highlighting your work. We will be working with the Apple store, this is a really exciting project.

Some ideas already mentioned are as follows child poverty, climate change, addiction, gender identity, fake news, mental health, Is graffiti art, the list is endless.

It is LGBT month and I would love to put a small video together to celebrate. If you would like to submit the following :



short stories



All pupils and staff can get involved in both projects all details are on your Google classroom

cheers Mrs C

Mrs. Chambers is Reading The Silent Stars Go By by Sally Nicholls.

Winner of the Waterstones Prize.

Three years ago, Margot's life was turned upside down when her fiancé went missing in action on the Western Front. Worse she was left with a devastating secret which threatened to ruin her life and destroy the reputation of her family. As a respectable vicar's daughter, Margot has had to guard that secret with great care ever since, no matter how much pain it causes her.

Now it's Christmas 1919, and Margot's family is gathering back home and Harry has returned hoping to rekindle their romance. Can Margot ever reveal the shocking truth to the only man she has ever loved ?

Historical fiction is not usually my go to genre but after reading the reviews of this book and loving the cover I decided to read it. You can join me by downloading a copy with your library card by going to borrow box, or sign up with @wdclibraries.

Drop me an email if you are struggling to access the library online .

Happy Reading

Winners of the 2020 Big Library Quiz...Telly Tubbies WELL DONE !!!

Second heat of the S1 big library quiz.

Youmna, Shonagh and Oliwia counting the scores

Quiz in action Sophie our wonderful Quizmaster

The battle started with 297 S1 pupils.

40 survived to the next round.

8 remain... Who will take the title stayed tuned for the Big Final coming soon.

Telly Tubbies v Big Brain