Pupil Parliament

The pupil parliament is a pupil empowerment and leadership opportunity which provides pupils with a platform to make changes within the school. Pupils will be able to communicate their viewpoints as well as impact the decisions that are made on their behalf.

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As part of the United Nation's Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 12 states that all children have the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them. In the Pupil Parliament, all pupils will have a say in matters that directly affect them, being split into four sub-committees, with pupils taking an active role in leading and proposing changes.

The Pupil Parliament is divided into four sub-committees:

  • Equality & Wellbeing

This committee's focus is on improving the lives of the young people outside of the classroom. This group will focus on equality, inclusivity, diversity and representation.

  • Eco

This committee's focus is on sustainability and looking towards campaigns which promote environmentally sustainable learning & teaching.

  • Digital

This committee's focus will be on giving pupils the chance to increase the use of technology and digital resources within the school.

  • Learner Voice

This committee's focus will be on allowing pupils to have a say in their learning and empowering young people to take a leadership role on what they learn and how they learn.