News & Events

Holocaust Memorial Day

As part of Holocaust Memorial Day 2019, S3 pupils along with Mrs McGuffie were invited to a flag raising ceremony organised by West Dunbartonshire Council. The event was held at Solidarity Plaza, Clydebank. The pupils who participated were Rachel McGraw, Lucy Wallace and Sophie Holley

Lucy read the memoir of Renee Bornstein, a child forced to flee her home and go into hiding, Rachel read the poem Auschwitz by Charles N Whittaker, and Sophie read the Holocaust Memorial Prayer.

Armistice 100

Clydebank High School pupils commemorated the armistice of the First World War through their attendance at several events on the 11th November. In the morning, they visited Erskine Hospital for Veterans and laid a wreath, followed by a visit to the memorial of the Anderson brothers in Bearsden (four brothers all killed during the war). Then, they visited and laid a poppy cross at a German war grave in the Western Necropolis, before attending the national commemoration which took place at the Glasgow Cathedral. The day ended at the University of Glasgow for a candle lighting and dedication service where Lucy Wallace (S3) was invited to lay a poppy cross in the university memorial garden.

Mr Hamilton from the History Dept commented that: “The day was a memorable one, and a fitting commemoration to those from all nationalities who lost their lives, or had their lives irreparably damaged during the First World War. Since 2014, pupils at Clydebank High School have been dedicated to remembering the events of the First World War and have worked in partnership with staff from the University of Glasgow and Commonwealth War Graves Commission. I am incredibly proud of all that has been achieved by the pupils of CHS.”

** On Twitter, you can follow the CHS Remembrance committee (@CHS_Remembrance).

Battle of Amiens: Centenary

During August, five secondary school pupils from Scotland were chosen by the Scottish Government to travel to France to participate in the official commemorations for the Battle of Amiens. Of these five pupils, two were from Clydebank High School – Lucy Bowers and Chloe Boyd.

Over the course of three days, Lucy and Chloe explored the battlefields of Amiens with other students from across the world. In doing so they learned a great deal about the significance of the battle and the important part it played in eventually bringing about the end of the First World War. Guided by experts including Professor Sir Hew Strachan, the experience was a once in a lifetime learning opportunity. Lucy commented that the experience was “humbling and emotional, an experience never to be forgotten”.

Also, as part of the visit, pupils attended the official remembrance event at Amiens Cathedral which was televised on the BBC. The pupils met with First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and were sat alongside Prime Minister Theresa May and HRH Prince William.