English: S1 – S3

Pupil of the Month


Each class teacher within the English Department nominates S1, S2 and S3 pupils for Pupil of the Month based on different aspects of pupil achievement including behaviour, homework, classwork, attitude and endeavour. From those nominated, winners are chosen and their names are posted on the winners' board in the English Department corridor.

BGE Course

The Course

Over the course of S1-3, pupils will build the skills they require for life, learning and work. Each term follows a thematic approach meaning that pupils cover the same topics as all other pupils in the year group but the teacher will choose the content of the topic according to pupil needs.

Themes for S1:

New Beginnings


Christmas and Charity

A Taste of Scotland


Informative Writing

Themes for S2:

Introduction to Shakespeare

Media Skills

Gothic Literature

Scottish Poetry

Flexible Study

Research & Debate

Themes for S3:

Creative Writing

Classic Literature


Scottish Text

Mini AVU & Spoken Word Assessment