

Click the video to discover what the world of Biology has to offer. The links above offer more information on the courses available within the Biology department.

**Google Classrooms**

To support in-class learning, each teacher will have a Google Classroom where they post updates, study materials, and work to be completed. Please ensure that you have joined your classroom.


Mr. Hunter

Miss Armstrong

Higher health and social care l4uwad6

N5 bio 3p7y7so

S3 qplzssg

Dr. Treacy

s3: nsmgaxo

Health Sector: q56qhd6

Higher Human: d53wh32

Mrs. Davie

Ms. Thumath

S3 Biology - us7xigo

Higher Human Biology – rthpjne

Mrs. Coleman

Mrs George

3D2 biology -ksbqx7j

Welcome to the Biology department...

Biology is a dynamic and constantly evolving subject which makes a major contribution to numerous areas of modern life. Its study is of great intrinsic interest for many pupils and is also a natural introduction to a range of courses and careers beyond school. At CHS we deliver Advanced Higher Biology, Higher Human Biology, Higher Health and Social Care, National 5, Health Sector, National 4, and BGE Biology courses.

Why Biology? 

Biology is needed for a wide-range of career options: visit MyWorldofWork for career options and ideas.

Check out our new Biologist of the Month display cabinet in the science corridor! Congratulations to all the pupils who have shown outstanding dedication to the subject this month!

Department News

The Latest Biology Department News 

S3 Biomedical Research Trip

Pupils from our S3 Biology course attended the Biomedical Research Lab at Strathclyde University.

They first were treated to a presentation from the lead Welfare Officer who explained the principles and care routines used in the laboratory. She explained some of the  research being carried out including Cancer and Diabetes research. She also explained the principles of the 3R's: Reduction, Refinement and Replacement when working in animal research. The pupils also had a tour of the lab and brief Q & A sessions with the researchers in each topic area. They were able to make connections between their course work and careers in the Biomedical field. They were all a credit to themselves and the school.

Higher Human Biology Trip

PCR Workshop at Glasgow University

In September, 24 of our Higher Human Biology pupils participated in the PCR Workshop at Glasgow University. It was a very practical intensive day where pupils used lab techniques such as PCR, Gel Electrophoresis and DNA Sequencing to diagnose two Patients with different strains of HSV. Pupils enjoyed the hands-on experience and a glimpse into what undertaking a degree in a biological subject could look like.

Careers in Biology

Our Higher Human Biology Pupils participated in the Meet the Medical Researcher Event at the Glasgow Science Centre. It was a fantastic day discovering career pathways in Medical and Research Science. For more information see

Greenhouse Project

Our EcoWarriors learning about propagation and growth of plants through the Greenhouse Project

Earth Hour Snaps


Many of our BGE pupils have been learning about sustainable living and learning how to support Earth Hour. For more information see: Earth Hour

Adopt a Wolf

Following a very successful trip to the Highland Wildlife Park. CHS have adopted a wolf! For more information see: Highland Wildlife Park Wolves


Mr. M. Hunter, Curriculum Leader Biology and Chemistry

Mrs. A. Davie, PT Pupil Support, Teacher of Biology 

Ms. K. Thumath, PT Pupil Support, Teacher of Biology and Chemistry

Mrs. F. Coleman, Teacher of Biology 

Dr. J. Treacy, PT Raising Attainment and Achievement (Acting), Teacher of Biology

Miss K. Armstrong, PT Pupil Support, Teacher of Biology