Art, Design and Photography

National 5



Welcome to the Art Department


‘Creativity is contagious, pass it on.’ Albert Einstein   

We offer our learners a programme of study which aims to equip them with the necessary skills and expertise to realise their full creative potential. This can lead to a career in the creative arts and design industries as well as many other professions . With a studio-based approach to teaching and learning, disciplines are interwoven to explore problems in new ways and develop innovative resolutions.  The studio provides an environment for interdisciplinary learning and experimentation which fosters creative thinking. The Critical Studies course supports historical,and cultural diversity in preparation for the challenges in society and contemporary business.

Follow us on Twitter @CHSArt2

Could we remind ALL students that we will provide you with basic materials if you need them. Pencilsl, rubbers, sharpners, felt tips etc. Just let us know and we will arrange for a pack to be left for you at the school office for collection.