Whole Class Reading

King and Country Activity 4

You need to draw a self portrait of you as king on your throne. Here are some examples.

King and Country Activity 3

Write a full description of what your country has to offer tourists and present these on 2 slides with your countries name and your name. Add pictures where needed. 

King and Country Activity 2

King and Country activity 3

King and Country Activity 1

King and Country Follow Up 1.

King and Country

Read the story below first and write a summary of the story and post to your blog under the heading King and Country Summary

King and Country

Ratu 22 here-turi-koka

Everyone must use EPIC to read 1 story that is a humourous story.

1 - Write 3 things that tell you what a humorous story is. Then write for me the name of the story and a summary of the story you just read.

Write these in your blogs under the heading Non Fiction/Fiction.

200 million for those who finish and post today only.

Rahina 21 here-turi-koka

Everyone must use EPIC to read 1 Non fiction story and 1 Fiction story.

1 - Write 3 things that tell you what a non fiction book has to identify it as a non fiction story. Then write for me the name of the story and a summary of the story you just read.

2 - Write 3 things that tell you what a fiction book has to identify it as a fiction story. Then write for me the name of the story and a summary of the story you just read.

Write these in your blogs under the heading Non Fiction/Fiction.

200 million for those who finish and post today only.