Year 9 Japanese

Welcome to the Year 9 Japanese class site

On this site, you should be able to find tasks set for lessons that you need to work on independently and links to interesting web pages, and articles about Japanese language and culture.

Here is the link to our Google Hangout meetings while we are still in L4 Lockdown:

I will email you all with our class Hangout times... which may be different week to week but will always be when you would normally have Japanese.

Note: we will be using the normal Odd week timetable while we are all working from home.

Please click on the link above to log-in and then wait for me to admit you to the Hangout. I will be recording the lessons so I can post the videos on the new "VC Lesson Videos" page (linked above)... but I really want to see you all face-to-face... that is far better than watching a video afterwards ;-)

  • Please use earbuds or headphones with a microphone if you have them - for e.g. these could be the ones you use for your phone.

Btw, do NOT just quit the meeting at the end... wait until we say Arigatou & Sayonara (Thank you and Goodbye in Japanese), please!