Here is where you will find out what we are doing each day. Remember to check here to see if there is a 'Do Now' task for the lesson, or if you are away sick. This is updated frequently, so check back often!

TERM TWO, 2020

Hi, Team. I hope over the last few weeks of lockdown life, you have been spending time doing some of the things you love! For the next couple of weeks at least, we will be learning from home. This page, will be your go to space to see what you need to be doing each day/week. Like last term, I will put the weekly learning planner on this page for you to follow. There will be some slight differences, as we will not be face to face all of the time. The most important thing is that you do as much as you can, but I do not want this getting stressful or too hard for you! Remember you can email me if you are not sure about something, and if you need help.


Google Meet - Class Hangout

Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, for the duration of the time we are learning from home, we will have a google meet. This will be at the same time on each of these days - 9.45am. It would be great if you all attend (I will be doing the roll!) as it is also an opportunity for you to connect with your peers in a safe setting. To join our class meet, click on the image down below. Then select 'ask to join' and I will let you in.

Class Workspace

There is a new class workspace set up for our Term 2 learning. This workspace is called: MNL Lockdown Learning - Term 2. In this Workspace, you will find the daily writing challenges, 15 minute writing and other tasks related to Literacy and our topic work. This will be your 'go to space' for set learning tasks and activities.

Online Learning Programmes

Throughout the term, we will be using the following online programmes: Education Perfect, Steps to Literacy, Moneytime, Studyladder, Socrative, Audible Stories and Write that Essay. I have put links to all of these sites below, so that they are in one easy to find place for you.

Check in Form

Next to our Hangout link, you will see a google form. This is designed for you to check in with me each day. It is a way of helping you to recognise how you are feeling and for you to 'check your charge' when you think about being self resilient and self confident. Your response is confidential between you and me - nobody else will see your responses except me, unless I think you might need some extra support which means I will then check in with you to make sure you are ok. Please complete this form honestly each day. You can use the same form every day, just make sure you put your name and the correct date.

Help Videos

At the bottom of the page, I will place help videos for different activities you will be completing. You can check back here from time to time to see any new videos I have added.

Click on the image below to join our hangout - Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9.45am

Daily Check-in Form - You can complete this form each day to check in with me

Check out some awesome work from the class on our class blog!


Term 2, Week One

Easy Links

Audio Books

Room Code: A6602DEA


MNL Lockdown Learning - Site Overview.webm

How to navigate our class site

How to publish a drawing to the web.webm

How to Publish a drawing or slide presentation to the web and then post to your blog

Posting to your blog - how to.webm

How to post an image to your blog

How to make a simple stop motion animation on google slides

MNL Lockdown Learning - Term 2, 2020

This is a view of our Workspace for parents. Student work can NOT be accessed via this view.