Requesting Technology Tutorial

If you've found the library website, you're more than half way there! Check out the quick tutorial below to see how easy it to request technology using the library website...

Step 1: Hover the mouse on "Teachers" on the main menu located at the top of the library website

Step 2: Click on "Tech Signups"

Step 3: On the "Tech Signup" page, click on the word "iPads" to be taken to the sign up page. Additional directions can be found under this link.

Step 4: Double check you are signing up during the correct week. If you need to change the week, click on the tabs at the bottom of the page.

Step 5: Read and review the important information in the middle of the signup sheet before signing up.

Step 6: Slots with names are already taken. DO NOT erase other people's names. Find an empty spot to put your name. Before indicating the number of items needed, make sure you note how many the library owns and add up how many have already been requested by the other people signed up ahead of you. Adjust your requested amount as necessary.

And that's it!

You've signed up for your needed technology and it will be waiting for you in the library at the time requested. If you need to request another type of technology, close the current signup tab, go back to the library technology page and start again!