Welcome to the 2020 virtual cyber security awareness scavenger hunt!

In honor of National Cyber Security Awareness Month, Campus Technology Services is hosting this scavenger hunt as a fun, engaging way to learn more about good cyber security habits and what you can do to protect your online accounts, personal data, and devices.


You will be provided a series of clues to solve using internet research, related to cybersecurity. There will be two tiers of clues, and the second tier is a bit more challenging. After finding the answers to the clues, you will submit your answers for chances to win prizes.


Start with Tier 1, here: https://forms.gle/PyLioELYWDjjPymo9 Follow the clues to get the answers. Once you have all the answers, fill out the form with your contact information and your answers, and hit submit. Complete Tier 1 to progress to Tier 2. All the answers in the tier submission must be correct in order to be entered in the drawing. Be sure to note your answers somewhere in addition to the submission form, because the answers in Tier 1 will be needed to access Tier 2.


  1. Each submission must be tied to one individual. Teams are not supported or eligible.

  2. Only one submission per person per tier.

  3. To have your submissions be eligible for the prize drawings, you must provide contact information and your contact information MUST include a SUNY Oswego email address and full name. Note that prize notifications will go to this address.

  4. All submissions must be in by October 30, 2020 at midnight EST to be considered eligible for the prize drawings.

  5. You must complete Tier 1 to move onto Tier 2. Submissions in Tier 2 without associated submissions for Tier 1 will not be considered; submission timestamps will be verified to ensure they were done in the correct order.

  6. Sharing or posting of answers to the clues on social media, public online forums, or other means is NOT allowed. If you are found to be doing so, you will be disqualified.

  7. Players getting all the answers correct in a tier will be eligible for a prize drawing: One winner per tier, and one Grand Prize Winner, who must get all answers correct in both tiers. Winners will be drawn no later than November 6th, and notified via SUNY Oswego email address.


How do I start the scavenger hunt?

To register and start the hunt, go here: https://forms.gle/PyLioELYWDjjPymo9

Why do you need my email address?

Two reasons: One of the answers to a clue will be specific for your email address, and contact information is needed if you win a prize.

Do I have to provide an email address to participate?

No, you can certainly just play along for fun, but without an email address, your submissions will not be eligible for prize drawings.

What will you do with my contact information?

Submission data and participant contact information will be deleted by December 1. The notification emails to the prize winners and aggregate data about participation and completion rates will be kept for a longer period.

I realized an answer in my submission is wrong/I left an answer to a clue blank, can I try again?

No, but you can still progress on to Tier 2.

I want to progress on but one of my answers was wrong, so I can't get to the clues for Tier 2. What should I do?

Email scavengerhunt@oswego.edu for assistance.

I made an anonymous submission to start, but now I want to participate and be eligible for the drawings. What should I do?

Restart at Tier 1, and include your contact information - remember that a SUNY Oswego email address is required.

Can I collaborate with other people?

Yes, but you are not allowed to share or post answers. It doesn't really benefit you to use someone's else's answers, because their answer may not be correct, and there will be some questions that are specific to you.

Can I register as a player multiple times with different email addresses?

No, only one submission per person, per tier, per SUNY Oswego email address.

Are there any deadlines for my submission(s)?

Submissions for the scavenger hunt are timestamped, and will be accepted for consideration in the drawings from 12 midnight EST October 1 through midnight EST on October 31. No submissions timestamped after the deadline will be considered for prizes. You do not need to start by any particular date. When you start or finish does not impact your chances of winning.

Do the answers in the submission have to be in a specific format?

The answers to the clues are all short-answer format. Full sentence answers are not desired. If the answer is a number, keep it in numeric format, i.e. the number 2 instead of the word 'two'. Answers not case sensitive.

What are the prizes?

There will be one prize winner from Tier 1, one prize winner from Tier 2, and one grand prize winner. The prize winner from each tier will receive a cybersecurity T-shirt and a $10 Amazon gift card. The grand prize winner will receive a cybersecurity T-shirt and a $20 Amazon gift card.

Do I have to do both tiers?

No, but you must complete the tiers in the proper order to have your submissions be eligible for prize drawings. Your submission for Tier 1 must be in and recorded to be eligible to complete Tier 2. You must do your submissions for both tiers to be eligible for the grand prize drawing. Submissions without contact information, or with timestamps out of chronological order are not eligible for the prize drawings.

When will answers to the clues be posted?

Answers to the clues will be posted November 1, after the deadline for submissions.

When will I be notified if I win a prize?

Prize notifications will be sent no later than November 6.

If I win a tier prize, am I excluded from being eligible for the other prizes?

The Tier 1 prize winner will be selected first, then the Tier 2 prize winner, then the Grand Prize winner. The Tier 1 prize winner will not be eligible to win a prize in Tier 2, but may still be eligible for the grand prize.

A clue is ambiguous, and/or has multiple possible answers. What should I do?

The clues are written to be very specific, so if you are finding multiple answers, you may be misinterpreting the clue. If you are still uncertain, email scavengerhunt@oswego.edu for assistance.

What happens if I submit more than once with my contact information for a Tier?

The submission with the earliest timestamp is the one that is considered for the prize drawings.

I need assistance with something that isn’t covered in these FAQs, what should I do?

Email scavengerhunt@oswego.edu for assistance.