First Grade

Mrs. Harelson

Mrs. Harelson's Contact Information:

Phone Number 294-3457 Ext.1111 Email

Read aloud with

Mrs. Harelson

Read aloud with Mrs. harelson & Callie

Read Aloud #3

Lunch Doodles with Mo and Dan Santat

Learn how to draw the character Beekle from Mrs. Harelson's Read Aloud

Poetry, Magazine & Craft!

Cool Video!

Happy Earth day!

Get up and dance!


Are you up for a challenge word builders? Rasheed thinks you are!

Read Aloud & Craft

Learn About Clouds!

Phonics Activities: Each Google Slideshow has audio that explains the vowel team. It gives students practice in reading words, poetry and sentences with a roll and read game. I hope that you are able to try these activities out! For a challenge, you could practice writing words with long vowels in your notebook. Have FUN First Graders!

Vowel Team -ai

Vowel Team -ai

Let's practice reading words with -ai!

Vowel Team -ay

vowel team -ay

Let's practice reading words with -ay!

Vowel Team -ea

vowel team -ea

Let's practice reading words with -ea!

Vowel Team -ee

vowel team -ee

Let's practice reading words with -ee!

Vowel Team -oa

vowel team -oa

Let's practice reading words with -oa!

Vowel Team -a_e

Silent e

Let's practice reading words with a silent e!

Reading Activities: These two activities will help students build their reading fluency. Good readers read fluently by reading accurately, smoothly and with expression.

Roll and Read Activity

Roll and Read


SNAP Word Pyramids

Read Aloud

Happy Mother’s Day: Flower Directed Drawing

Gift for mom

Follow these simple directions to make mom a special Mother's Day gift.

Mother's Day

special keepsake

Print and fill out this special keepsake for mom.

You Read to Me, I’ll Read to You

You Read to me,

I'll read to you

Click on the Google Slides to read a short story with Mrs. Harelson! Let me know if you enjoy this and I will work on adding more short stories!

Math Flashcards🎴

Math Fact Practice

Addition and Subtraction Mix

Solve the Equation and click the slide for the answer!

Read Aloud

Awesome Rainbows

Dance Along with Koo Koo Kanga Roo!

Mystery Number

Can you guess my mystery number?

Flip a Coin

flip a coin reading game

Grab a coin and practice reading sentences with words that have long vowels. Have FUN!