Obtain a Pin

Before you make any booking in OSC-PTO you must obtain a login and a PIN or password to enter the booking system.

To get your login name and PIN:

  • You should receive an email from the school with information on obtaining your login details. If you don’t receive it by the time OSC-PTO is opened, please contact the Primary or Secondary office, or helpdesk@osc.lk (Offices are closed during holidays, so please contact helpdesk@osc.lk during school holidays).

  • You can get a PIN directly in OSC-PTO, but you cannot obtain it until the system is open.

Please check in General Information when the system opens for the upcoming 3Way-Conferences.

How to get your PIN directly from the OSC-PTO website:

Go to the OSC PTO website.

You will see a “Need help?” box to the right of the Login area with a link to Obtain PIN/Password (see image below).

You will be prompted to enter an email address.

NOTE: This email address must be the one registered with the school and listed as ‘Parent Email’ on Managebac. You can enter either parent’s email address registered there.

Click on Send email.

Once you have successfully requested your PIN, a green text box will appear, indicating that an email was sent to the email entered.

The email will contain the Surname/Login to be used for logging in, as well as the PIN or password. There will also be a handy link to OSC-PTO that can be used to bypass the login screen.

Important: If you do not receive this email, please refer to the Possible Issues page.