Whanau Kōwhai
Nau Mai Haere Mai
Welcome to Kōwhai whanau class site. This is where we can access our weekly timetable and learning resources. We are a class of new entrant and year one tamariki taught by Whaea Serenity.
Korero ki te kaiako: serenityt@oruaiti.school.nz
Wātaka / Timetable
Learning Links
Wā waiata / Singing time
Through singing tamariki will develop the ability to
Use the full range of voice to explore pitch.
Use the voice to echo and create simple chants and melodies.
Sing songs for particular purposes.
Sing rhythmically, with expression, and in tune.
Wā kanikani / Dance time
Through dancing tamariki will develop the ability to
Develop balance and coordination.
Perform dances using simple movement patterns as part of a group.
Create movements that represent different things around them.
Caring, Confident, Responsible, Life-long Learners